chapter one: new villains

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It was a normal morning. Connor, Amaya and Greg were heading to the play ground and Amaya was super excited.

Amaya: hurry up guys!

Connor: we're coming!

Greg: you're really excited to go to the park today, Amaya.

Amaya: of course, I wanna ride the swings and the slides and the-

They arrive at the playground but it's covered in spider webs.

Amaya: oh no!

Connor: what happened here?

Greg: it looks like the playground was attacked by a... giant spider?

Connor examines a spider web by touching it but his hands get stuck.

Connor: uhh... guys a little help?

Greg and Amaya help get his hands unstuck.

Greg: that stuff is really sticky

Amaya: and it's all over the playground. *lowers head*

Connor: don't worry, we're gonna find out what night time villain did this. Pj masks, we're on our way

Others: into the night to save the day

...night time...

Narrator: night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day

Amaya: *giggles and touches her bracelet*

Amaya becomes...owlette

*does a loop*

Connor: *touches his bracelet* yeah!

Connor becomes...Catboy

*summersaults and dashes out*

Greg: *touches bracelet* yeah!

Greg becomes... Gecko

They shoot out there windows and head to the HQ in light. They land in catboy's room.

All: the pj masks!

The picture player appears and Owlette runs to it.

Owlette: the whole towns covered in spider webs!

Catboy: we better investigate. To the Catcar!

They all jump into the catcar and head out. As they drive along the city, they see more and more of spider webs and some slashed up lampposts.

Gecko: gasping geckos! what happened here?

Catboy: cat ears *hears girlish evil laughter * I hear something. This way!

Catboy drives the car towards the playground. He parks the car and they all jump out.

Owlette: there's no one here

Catboy: I know I heard something.

Gecko: maybe they've left?

Catboy: I don't think so. Let's look around.

They spread out and check every where at the playground but don't find anything.

Catboy: I guess they must have left

Suddenly, a figure jumps out from no where and shoots some webs at Gecko, Catboy and Owlette

Gecko and Catboy: *jumps out of the way*

Owlette: *flys up* fluttering... *gets pushed to the ground and lands on gecko and Catboy* feathers!

???1: *chuckles * so these are the famous pj masks

???2: what a bunch of losers

The pj masks stand up and looks around

Gecko: who are you guys?

Catboy: show yourselves

They look around and a giant spider lands in front of them.

Pj masks: *screams*

???1 and???2: surprise

So,  what do you think about it?  And who do you think the new villains are?  Leave your thoughts. Bye!

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