chapter two: the night time duo

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The giant spider circles them and finally webs them to a wall.

Owlette: I'm stuck!

Gecko: I'll try to break it *activates super gecko muscles* *tries to break free * it's not working

???1: that's because it's extra sticky spider webs

Catboy: who are you? show yourselves

???2: aww, but what's the fun in that?

Owlette: where are you?

???1: over here

They looked towards a dark area at the playground. Two figures walked out and apparently, they were girls. The first one had black hair with white stripes. She wore a black cape with white outlines that made it seem like she was covered in spider webs. The second one looked more like a bat. She wore a black suit. Her black mask covered her face leaving only her hair in a ponytail. She had wings with sharp edges but not to sharp.

???1: Tada! Surprised?

Gecko: you're villains?

???1: yep. Name's Night web

???2: and I'm Batmare

The giant spider walked over to Night web and she got on.

Night web: we'd love to stay and chat but we've got other things to do

Owlette: wait!

Catboy: you can't just leave us here

Night web: I can and I will

Batmare: umm, night? Maybe you should let them go

Night web: *rolls eyes * fine

Night web stretched her hand and the webs got off the PJMs and they fell down.

Pj masks: ouch!

Night web: later pj pests *salutes and the spider leaves*

Batmare: *whispers* sorry *leaves*

Owlette: great, we have new villains to take care of

Catboy: it should be easy. We've defeated every bad guy we've fought. What's a couple more?

Owlette and Gecko: *looks at each other * *shrugs*

They left the playground and jumped into the cat car. Catboy drove around the city listening with his cat ears and Owlette looked with her owl eyes.

Gecko: see anything yet?

Owlette: *looks around* nope

Catboy: I hear something at the museum

Catboy drove his car to the museum and got out. Then they hid behind some bushes and saw batmare and Night web just sitting there. Batmare was hanging upside down on a lamp post.

Batmare: I'm bored

Night web: where the heck is he?

Batmare: I don't know *crosses arms *

Night web: batmare, why did you make me release those pj dorks?

Batmare: *flies around* I dunno. It felt right.

Night web: we've been through this: we are the bad guys so we do bad things. We've got no time to be good

Batmare: *sighs* alright

Behind the bushes, Catboy, Owlette and Gecko were listening to everything

Gecko: maybe Batmare isn't as bad as we thought.

Owlette: are you kidding me? all villains are bad news!

Catboy: guys, shh. They'll hear us!

Owlette: so, what's the plan?

Catboy: well, it looks like they're waiting for someone so all we have to do is-

Catboy is suddenly pulled out of the bushes.

Owlette and Gecko: Catboy!

They run out of the bush and see that Catboy's tied up in spider webs. Night web sat on her giant spider smiling.

Night web: what's up pjs?

Owlette: let Catboy go, Night web

Night web: let me think about it *pretends to think * nope

Night web makes a swift motion with her hands and shoots some webs at Owlette but Owlette dodges it by flying

Owlette: owl wing wind!

Batmare flies towards her and activates her own powers. She swings her wings at Owlette sending slash waves at her. Owlette tries to dodge them but Night web's spider shoots webs at her and ties her with Catboy. The spider goes after gecko.

Gecko: slithering serpents! *tries to run but ends up being webbed *

Catboy: let us go Night web!

Night web: nope, I think you'll make a good gift for my brother

Owlette: who?

???: me

Pj masks: *gasps* night ninja?

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