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UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE STUDENTS of Midtown Science and Technology, their field trip at Oscorp was cut short. Gwen had told them that their was a chemical leak on the level above them and that they needed to evacuate immediately. "I'm so sorry guys." She said apologetically once they were outside.

"What kinda gas was it? Will it turn me into The Hulk or Captain America?" Flash asked her in his usual pushy manner.

Gwen laughed nervously, "no, it's not that kind of gas." She gazed back at the building, "well, I'm needed but I hope you all enjoy your day." And with that, she was gone.

Mr Harrington frowned, "Well, I guess we should get on the bus then."

"But I wanted to see my father." Peter heard Harry mumble to Jason from the school news.

Jason shrugged, "I guess you'll just have to wait until dinner."

Harry sighed, "yeah, I'll see him then." Peter couldn't help but feel bad for him, it was obvious that he wasn't going to get to see his father then.

"Who wants McDonalds?" Mr Harrington asked the students once everyone was back on the bus. Peter had yet again chosen to sit with Ned father than [Y/N].

The students cheered as Mr Harrington began telling the bus driver how to get to McDonalds. "Tell me if you want me to be quiet— take a left here. My wife... err ex wife, Tabitha always said I didn't know when to stop but... I-I'll stop."

Peter slumped into his chair, he felt completely exhausted. He hoped that the spider wasn't venomous, he didn't feel like going to the ER at the moment. All he wanted to do was go to bed and sleep.


Peter woke up Thursday morning feeling like crap. His hand reached out from under the covers to shut his alarm clock off. Once it stopped beeping, he threw the blankets off of himself and reached for his glasses. Slowly, he sat up and put them on.

Blinking, Peter tried to clear his vision — why was everything so blurry? Maybe it was his glasses? He slipped them off his face and have them a quick wipe with the nearest blanket.

Once again, he slipped them on and found that everything was still extremely blurry. Slowly, he took them off and was surprised to find that he could see really well without them. "What the—"

"Peter!" His aunt called, "breakfast is ready."

"Just a second!" He called out to her.

His mind was whirring, what the hell was going on? He'd needed glasses for as long as he could remember. Slowly, he climbed out of bed and shuffled over to his closet. That's when he caught sight of his reflection.

Surely this couldn't be him. Peter Parker did not contain a single muscle but now, his reflection showed that he was fully ripped. Peter felt sick.

"You're toast is going cold!" May called out again.

"Sorry— I-I'm coming!" He said, slipping the first shirt he could find on.


"Yo," [Y/N] called out to Michelle as she walked into school. Of course, the curly haired girls head was stuck in a book.

Michelle hummed in response, she was too engrossed in her book to make any other noise. "Great talk." [Y/N] mumbled.

"—it looks infected." She heard Ned say as he rounded the corner. "What happened?"

[Y/N] smiled when she saw Peter round the corner with him. Bidding Michelle goodbye, she rushed over to them. "Hey guys." She said brightly. She was still excited about yesterday.

"Oh, hi [Y/N]." Ned said in a tone [Y/N] didn't really recognise. "Look Peter, it's [Y/N]."


[Y/N] cocked her head in confusion. Ever since that night Peter had been acting weird towards her. Clearing her throat, she said "Peter? Can I talk to you?" She cast a glance at Ned, "in private."

Peter nodded slowly and let her lead him away from Ned. Before Peter could ask her anything, she said, "what's up with you? You've been avoiding me since Tuesday— is it because of what we did on Tuesday? I'm sorry—"

Peter cut her off, "no, it's not that I've just got... things going on." He said plainly, "I didn't want to bother you with it. Sorry I've been weird."

[Y/N] wasn't really convinced but she didn't tell Peter that. Instead, she sighed. "It's fine, seriously."

Before their conversation could go any further, the warning bell rang. "We should probably get to english." Peter sighed.

[Y/N] nodded and followed him towards their classroom.


WRITTEN 09/07/19
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p.s. this is a pretty crappy chapter but oh well. i just really wanted to write the iconic peter discovers his powers part. someone was trying to convince me to drop out of school as i wrote this. (they were also dissing marvel but it's fine cause it's an inside joke).

until next time, it's ya gurl slim shadey signing out.

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