Artemis Fowl and the Hunger Games: Chapter 7

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Holly made camp in a different abandoned room and waited. Training had started for the contestants and she had been watching Fowl closely. He wasn't giving away anything, so she was even more interested in him.

Artemis made sure to learn as much as he possibly could in the short period of time he had for training. At night, he barely slept anymore. Plagued by nightmare after nightmare.

But he didn't let that stop him from doing his best to train. He really did want to survive, for his brothers and for himself. Artemis Fowl the second was not going to let some petty games win over him, for he was a genius. A mastermind in a world of fools and idiots who were no doubt going to cheer and yell at their television sets while they watched him use his brain, rather than his non-existent brawns, to win these massacre games.

During one training session, he was working on tying knots and making traps when sirens started blaring, making his head ache. He covers his ears with his hands, dropping the net he was making in the process. Men with weapons come rushing into the room and start rushing them out of the training area and back into their rooms. On the elevator ride, he was with Minerva.

His so called partner gave him a death glare, as if she was blaming him for these blaring alarms that was giving them both headache.

"What did I do to anger the princess this time?" Artemis questioned after a few moments of silence.

"What?" Minerva looked and him full on this time rather than from the corner of her eye.

Artemis repeated himself and Minerva scoffed.

"Nothing, you smartass." She grumbled and crosses her arms while looking forward again. The elevator gets to their floor where another armed guard was waiting. The guard showed them to their rooms and Artemis could hear the door lock behind him.

The teenage mastermind say on his bed after he took a shower and changed into more suitable clothing before he takes some things out from under his pillow and begins working.

After about an hour, whatever type of lockdown happened to be going on was lifted and Artemis could hear the door unlocking. He put his work back under his pillow and stood, dusting himself off before he went to the door and opened it. Minerva was leaving her room at the same time and gave him a look before she walked to the elevator. Artemis sighed softly and followed. The elevator takes them back down to the training room but when they get there, no one is training. All of the contestants were lined up and watched a large TV screen mounted on the wall. Artemis and Minerva lined up next to them and watched as well.

President Spiro was there, and next to him an elf. The elf wasn't wearing the usual Avox uniform, so it couldn't be a servant, which Artemis found rather odd.

"As you can see, we had a breach in security earlier this evening and I would like to address anyone who might be working with this elf." Spiro said while looking directly into the camera. A guard comes over with a gun. "If anyone thinks they can undermine me and my city, they are wrong. Know that if I find any one else, they will share the same fate as this intruder." Spiro turned and left, and there was a flash from the gun before the camera turned off and the room was left in an uncomfortable silence.

"Alright. Back to training!" Some said in a gruff voice, breaking the silence and the trace all the contestants seem to have been in.

Holly was staring wide eyed at her computer screen. "Foaly..." She managed to mumble out softly and there was a shout of frustration from him.

"Damn it damn it damn it! Spiro is a monster!" He yelled and Holly just sat there.

"We're going to kill him. I don't care if it's the last thing I do on this damned planet, we are going to kill him."

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