Chapt. 4 ~ Late Night Run In

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(Y/n)'s POV

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It was really early in the morning. Though, I'd like to refer to it as late night. Two a.m to be more specific. I was in the library, at a table, with some homemade tea. The worst kind, but Toriel made hers significantly well.

I was reading a book. A romance, but those were the only ones I liked to read in the late-early mornings.

Usually I looked like crap when coming in these hours, but I had no one to impress. My hair tied up in a sloppy bun, a thick sweatshirt that said "I Don't Do Mornings" and some sweatpants.

I said some of those words aloud, very few people were in the library anyway so it didn't bother anyone. My lips felt dry, so I'd need to buy some lip balm. Taking a sip of my tea I heard a familiar voice.

"Awful coincidences, hasn't it?" I blink. That makes no sense. When I saw the originator of the familiar voice I flinch.

"G-Gaster...?! U-uh... what are you doing here? O-or up this late o-or where are your kids...?!" I'm not good at conversation, I pouted mentally whilst on the outside freaking out. Mostly because he's seeing me in my worst state possible.

"I'm always up this late, plus they're asleep at home. What are you doing up this late? A human requires sleep. You shouldn't even be up." He said, joining me at my table, he had a journal. I scratch the back of my head, feeling embarrassed and quickly tried to change the topic.

"L-let's not talk about me... w-what about you? What's with the journal book thing...?" I ask, he looked like he wasn't going along with any of my bull shit.

"(Y/n)." He said, "what are you doing here?"

I sigh deeply, it's hard to think of an excuse when you're tired. I look at my book and sigh again.

"Nightmares... whenever I get nightmares I come to the library and read." I almost whispered, feeling embarrassed over my own problems. After the small silence gap, he spoke again.

"Would you like to talk about them?" I freeze and look at him in shock. After catching my stare he looked like away slightly and continues, "Sans and Papyrus used to have nightmares, all the time. I've found that talking to someone about them is healthy." I smiled at him.

"Please... if I needed to talk to someone I'd get a therapist..." I say, knowing I just met him I didn't want to ruin any chance of a relationship. He raised a brow at me.

"I don't think you'd do that even if you say you would." I blink, how could he know anything about me.

"What makes you say that?" I question, knowing he was right.

"Well based on my deductions from observations, you believe that if you deserve something, you should get something. Based on your behaviors, I don't think you'd use your parents money for therapy, since it is expensive, not to mention, people who need therapy somewhat deny it and keep everything to themselves. So please. Enlighten me on your troubling dreams."

I blink. Is this what having a friend is like? I sigh, giving up. He was good at this, and I was weak.

"I don't know what my nightmares are about... but they scare me and... I don't know... gives me a sense of déjà vu." I think about them for a second, seeing him nod. He was being... patient and listening.

"I see someone... dressed in a cloak and with eyes similar to mine... but it's not... it's not me. He... was with someone... I can never see who. He was always surrounded by humans and monsters... friendly to both... but the weirdest thing... is... it's not in present times...."

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