14. You're Such a Dork

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"Let's go Lakefront!" Everybody clapped rhythmically as the school chant was shouted across the field.

"Tigers, you suck ass!" Wes shouted, with his hands on the sides of his mouth. Me and the rest of the wrestling group started booing. The people who were in purple, who were from the other team, shook their heads in disagreement. I mean, have they looked at the scoreboard?

Bears: 42
Away: 28

The game is almost over anyways. There's no way Smith could beat us with one minute on the clock. Maybe next time, Tigers.

The band was playing our school song as the crowd was singing to the beat. The cheerleaders were doing their pyramid stuff and holding their legs up to the sky. The mascot, Barry the Bear, was running up and down the sidelines, trying to lift up our school spirits, which is working.

I hate to admit, but I'm enjoying this football game. I started to smile at the atmosphere.

"Ooh, Ollie boy, whatcha smiling about?" One of the wrestling boys, Quentin, asked.

"Nothing. Just the school spirit."

"So, not any girl in particular?" I made a face and turned to him.

"Boy?" My eyes widened in shock.

"No, Q, I'm not gay."

"I'm okay with it by the way. #Loveislove." I shook my head at his foolishness.

"Who's gay?" Wes joined our conversation.

"No one is. Go back to watching the game."

"Nah, man. It's over." As what he said was on cue, the horn blared.

"Aaaand, that is it, folks! Bears won the game with 42, Tigers 28." The announcer said and the cheers got louder. A whole mass of people started to leave the bleachers.

After 10 minutes of following the huge crowd to the parking lot, my phone rang.


"Ollie!" It's Cassie.

"Hey, Cass. Did you see the game?" Wes perked up as he heard me say her name.

"Yeah! It was awesome! One of the best right now."

"True that." He got closer to me to listen to our convo and I tried to push him away.

"Sooo, Nat and I are going to Ocean Bar now to celebrate and I want you to come. You can bring your wrestling friends if you want."


Wes snatched my phone from my ear. "What the hell!"

"Of course we'll be there! Can't wait to see you!"

"Give me back my phone, Wes." I tried to reach for it, but he turned at the last second, making me stumble on my feet.

"Uh huh. Yes. Okay. Great. Bye! Can't wait to see you, gorgeo- Hello?"

I snorted. "Guess she didn't want to talk to you any longer."

"I usually would have gotten mad at you for saying that, but I don't care because your sister invited the guys, me, to an afterparty!"

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