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"Dear female species. Why are you crying?" He asked in concern. "M my husband cheated on me" i cried on his shoulder. Smells like the heavens. Unlike mason. "Shits tuff" he said. "Y yeah. And he cheated on me with a horse" i cried harder and his dick does too. Oh sh. "Damn girl" he said. "I might. Migh kill myself :((" and he was shook. "Girl dont kill urself u pwetty aha" he said. "Tell u what. U can bang me aha" he said. "Ascend with me bb girl" he said. I nodded. "H how?"  He shushed me, held my hand and wiggled his belly. "Close ur eye b" he said. I closed my eye but instead of black, i saw white. I felt 2 kisses for each of my eye and it opened. It was jacob. "We here dammmmnnn" he said. "W wow. This place is very nice!" I said. It was like California. It had beaches, looks like the one in jacobs hit or miss music vid. And school, like the one in sweatshirt. Wow it was amazing. "Hey b" another voice appeared. I turned around and saw matty b.

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