Chapter # 03 ---Ancient Warrior

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He moved through the crowd in rhythm, his body pulsing with adrenaline creating its own music. To a normal eye he would look like a blur but he was not normal nor were those who kept striking him with their sword, each time hoping for an entry.

He was not tired like his opponents,in fact he was just getting warmed up. He didn't knew why, but he always felt at home when fighting. It calmed him and gave him a clear head.

Right now he was fighting against twenty of the best pack fighters almost all having alpha blood in them. Whenever anyone of them got tired they would gracefully move back leting another take their place. It made him smile with pride. They were his men. His knights. The most feared and respected in all of Dhavia.

A total of seventy-two knights excluding him.

Breaking out of the rhythm, he made a sudden strike to the left disarming his best friend Jacob for the umpteenth time. He could have unarmed anyone but seeing Jacob turn red had its own fun.

He was about to make a remark when a savage growl caught their attention. Everyone smirked at him realizing it was his stomach. Everyone started rushing towards the weapon room, pushing each other trying to reach the stream before anyone else so they can get the best spot to wash. Offcourse Jacob always won. He was the fast, slim and slippery.

Noldo made his way slowly letting the others go first, putting of his training gear he made his way to the stream which seemed to have come alive with shouts and splashed as all seventy-two man fought for the spot under the falling water. Pushing eachother and scrubbing soaps at the same time. Noldo couldn't help but smile at the scene. Life is sexy. He thought smirking.

The stream faced the wilderness away from civilization and even though they were creatures of woods they never ventured alone into the wilderness. Even when they went in groups they never went far.

The stream even though at the mouth of the wilderness was at a great contrast to it. The wilderness was lifeless, haunted and evil but the stream was the very definition of life. It amazed Noldo how two things so different could exist without affecting eachother but it seemed that it magnified their difference even more.

Noldo was about to climb into water when a strange ringing sensation filled his chest expanding till his whole body was consumed in it. He stood there unmoving as the sensation kept on travelling from his heart like waves for almost five minuts. When the sensation became numb he noticed the unnatural silence. Raising his head he found everyone looking at him strangely.

He didn't smile this time. It had been a very long time since he had felt this ringing. A very long time indeed. Right before the pull had disappeared completely.

Now as he climbed into water he felt the pull coming alive again as if mending itself. A silver thread interweaving into a golden thread. Visible to him only because of the little magic he had in himself.

He needed to see the king - his grandfather, very soon. Today infact. He couldn't fight the pull. He wouldn't. It had after all been a very long time.


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