Chapter Three: MATT I'M RIDING A MOOSE!!

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"Where the heck do we get a helmet? Or a crossbow?" Matthew questioned.

"I'm sure they have a helmet somewhere around here... and a crossbow, we can get a NERF crossbow at Walmart and attach matchbox bombs to the darts. Easy." You told him like it was the most obvious thing ever.

----TARDIS blue timeskip. I'm lazy----

You had found a helmet in the basement. You had picked it because, I mean, it was damn beautiful.

It had celtic scribblings on the strip of metal to protect the nose, and on the parts to cover your ears.

"See, Matthew? They don't really have horns. Its a lie." You showed it to him, before pulling it over your (hair length), (hair color) hair.

"TO WALMART~!!" You pointed in the general direction of the door.

----DAMN I love timeskips----

You were at Walmart to buy a NERF crossbow for yourself, another NERF weapon, a normal bow, (for Matthew) an epic amount of backup NERF darts, a few boxes of matches, a tent, blankets, pillows, and some scotch tape.

"Hey Aster." You said to the cashier.

"Hey (Name). Hey Matt." The ombre-haired female responded.

"Hey Aster. Wait, you remembered my name this time!! Thank you!!" Matthew exlaimed happily.

"No problem. So, um, (Name)? Two questions...."

"Ask away."

"One, why are you wearing a helmet...."

"To protect my head, you baka."

"And two, where's-"

"Emil? He's probably in a life or death situation.... please, Aster, stop obsessing over my big brother. It scares me."

Aster was quickly engulfed in a terrifying, Belarus type aura.

"Oh, that's too bad... he will not feel love today... wait WHAT?? I NEED TO HELP." She put her hands together in a begging motion.

"Nope. The first thing you'll do when you see Emil is do... activities..... with him...."

"NO I WONT I SWEAR." Puppy dog eyes.

"Oh why the hell not. Hop on the band wagon. Oh that reminds me. We need a wagon. A heavy duty wagon. And 12 Jammie Dodgers." You hummed. That would take money. You were almost out....

"Don't worry about money, (Name). The wagon and the cookies are on me." Aster said.

"Aster, you don't have to...."

"Yes I do. As part of your quest, it is my duty to pitch in."

"If you insist...." you mumbled.

----much TARDIS. much timeskip. Wow----

You had a red wagon, courtesy of Aster.

One last thing.....

"Armour." You said.

"Oui... we need armour...."

"Halloween section." Aster said.

You three walked until you found the halloween items.

"Why are we here? We need armour, Aster. Not lolita dresses." You sighed.

"They have Viking outfits. With plastic chestplates." She said, looking at a plastic packaged viking costume.

"That's not accurate. Viking helmets did NOT have horns!! Its a lie!!" You pointed to your helmet.

"Do you at least have plastic sheilds?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah. Over there by the death scythes." She pointed to a pile of plastic sheilds, scythes, and axes.

"Whoo hoo, jackpot~!" You said happily picking up three sheilds.

"I'll pay for most and you pay for the rest, Aster." You said.


----le timeskip.----


You had gone into the forest to find some wood and came back sitting in/ on a moose's antlers.


"(Name), You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen but you need a trip to the mental hospital." Matthew said.

Aster was too busy dying of laughter to hear.

"I have rope! We can tie two ends of a long rope to the wagon handle and loop it around his antlers. Moose transport!" Aster laughed.

"Aster go to bed. You're so tired you've gone insane."

"Ok~!" Aster giggled until she fell asleep.

"You are beautiful, (Name). And I love you." Matthew whispered, kissing your cheek.

You rested your head on his shoulder. "Its beautiful tonight...."

"You're more beautiful. If you and tonight were stars, you'd be the sun, and it'd be a very dim one. You light my life, for sure." He held you close.

"Mattie, your French is showing." You giggled.

"Go to bed, (Name)!" He said, picking you up and walking into the tent, laying you down before lying with you.

"Je' tame, (Name)."

"Love you more, Silly Canadian."

From the shadows....

Just a wolf....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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