Their reactions

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Pov Natsu

The master said the people that were going to be in the S class trials I was so happy that I got picked but what shocked me was that the master said that we could have a partner to world and fight with but only one of us will be come an S class mage I was happy but I felt bad that only one of us would get to be an S class mage this time.

Pov Gray

When master said my name I was so happy but I did not know what to do the person that I wanted to be partners with was Juiva because her magic would work amazingly with mine but she was in the trials to and master said that we could only pick people that were in our guild and not an S class mage and on top of that they could not be in the trials.Then it hit me Leo my best friend can partner with me I just have to ask Lucy if it is okay with her.

Pov Lucy

A few minutes after master told us what was going on  Cana came up to me and asked me of all people to be her partner in the S class trials

Still Lucy's Pov
I agree to working with Cana still not knowing why she asked me and not someone stronger.Then Gray came up to me and asked if I would work with him and I said I am sorry but I am working with Cana .Then gray asked if he could working with Leo and then I understood I summoned Leo Gray asked him and he said yes and told me he would use his own magic to stay and fight.

Pov Gagiled

I did not really know who I wanted to work with but thing that shocked me the most was that I got picked with all of the things that I had done to them I new I was strong but why me when I was thinking shrimp (Levy) came up to me and asked who I was going to work with

Pov Levy
I wanted to see who Gagiled was working with so I walked up to him and asked him he said me that got me shocked but I was so happy that I just jumped on him and said a lot of thanks to him the guild started to look at me and then I just realized that I had jumped on him.

Pov Juvia (p.s I am not going to have her talk in 3rd person)

I asked liz if she wanted to work with me since I could not work with my beloved gray and to my surprise she said yes

Pov Evergreen
I went up to Elfman and said be a man and as me to work with you and with his ego he could not not ask me or he wouldn't be a man at and then he asked me and I said yes

I hope you all enjoyed my writing and I hope to see all of you lovely readers in the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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