32. Out of Blood

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Fenghuang's shining eyes projected the video on the gazebo's wooden pillar. Although the projection was much smaller than the screen of the retro TV at Mika's house, the quality resembled that of a HDTV's.

Mika couldn't help but wince a few times as she watched the video of the duel. What had it taken to knock Brandon out? A direct hit by Energy Blast, a kick to the face, a blow to the cervical spine, a barrage of fists to the entire body, a Piercing Shot to the eye and the knees, and lastly...

Memories of how Katrina subdued Draco's influence on Jyuji replayed in Mika's mind, and she shuddered. If Katrina's rolling attack could knock down a dragon with thick sapphire scales, then how much damage would it do to Brandon? The undead man only had layers of well-developed muscles to protect his insides. Muscles weren't scales; after sustaining enough damage, they'd stop functioning, and Brandon wouldn't be able to move.

As the projection faded, Fenghuang spoke, "Even without any mastery of folk's power, Brandon still put up a fight."

"Put up a fight you say?" Jyuji sighed. "Well, the undead man landed some hits early in the fight, but afterwards, he was just a punching bag."

"Hey, you gotta give him some credit," Billy chimed in. "If I were in his place, I wouldn't have thought of exploiting Katrina's sensitivity to sound."

Katrina nodded. "He's smarter than he seems. Imagine how much he can do if he knows how to use his folk's power well."

Mika stroked her chin. Could one use barriers to attack? From what she had seen, Brandon needed more offense instead of defense. The fight might have ended differently if his punches had packed more power.

"Barriers are for protection, rabbit woman," Jyuji quipped. "That's all they can do."

"What if Brandon rams you when he's encased in his barrier?" Katrina replied. "I'm sure that the barrier is harder than his body."

Mika's jaw dropped in awe at Katrina's creativity. Now, if Brandon could learn how to use Scutum's power... However, the more she thought about it, the more she believed that destructive fists would suit him better. It wouldn't cost him any blood to wreak havoc.

Curious about Brandon's training, Mika walked out of the gazebo and across the wooden bridge. Brandon stood before the koi pond, his fists ready and his knees slightly bent. Long remained still, his head lowered to Brandon's eye-level.

Brandon dashed, leaped, and punched. A crack echoed, and his arm went limp. His other arm went to grasp it.

"That was a devastating leaping left hook," Long commented, "but it did not even tickle me."

Brandon's eye widened, at which Mika rushed to him. She knew it; he had put a lot into that punch, and Long's comment would only hurt him.

"Brandon, it's okay." Mika placed a hand on his swelling forearm and winced slightly at the intense heat around it. "Long is still too tough for you right now."

"Well said, little girl," Long added. "Remember, Brandon. The next time you perform that leaping left hook, it will be stronger."

Brandon stood still, staring vacantly at Long.

Mika knew what that meant; Brandon pretty much had "Why am I still so weak?" written on all over his face. It was an unusual sight, as Brandon would usually remain poker-faced to hide all his sorrows. Perhaps his low blood supply played a role in his mood.

"Uh, Long," Mika began, "are you sure that his punch is still that weak after the training?"

Long shook his head. "Its impact is certainly stronger than his punches before the training. However, I suggest that he tests his fists on someone else, so that he can truly see the fruits of his training." The humongous jade dragon looked at the gazebo. "Little dragon, would you-"

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