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●Harry potter pov●
Me and Storm were on our way to Hogwarts I had the window to the outside open when a fennec Fox jumps through the window landing on my lap Storm in this new form slithered up to the fennec fox and started talking to it and asking why it was injured or something.
●Storm Okami pov●
I was talking to Amber the Fennec fox about why she jumped through the window
"I was being attacked and felt a save presence and found myself jumping into the window want to be friends Storm and can you tell Harry I want to be his familiar" she said
"Harry she wants to be your familiar and to answer your question amber sure"i said has a boy I knew was Draco I couldn't remember his last name but I knew he had feelings for master I turned human and sat next to Harry and Amber moved from Harry's lap and jumped on to my shoulder causing me to laugh
●Draco pov●(trouble spelling his last name Don't have a Harry Potter book on me)
I walked into Harry's  compartment only to see a weird servant in a fennec fox on his lap only for the servant to turn human and sit next to MY Harry I got jealous and walked up to the creature and picked him up sitting him away from MY Harry and sitting next to MY Harry "you need to learn to hide your sent Draco and don't worry I won't take away Harry I am just his magic pet well I need to test a new spell now that i meet a new animal hmm"he said i watched as he turned into a pitch black fennec fox

●Storm Okami pov●I was talking to Amber the Fennec fox about why she jumped through the window "I was being attacked and felt a save presence and found myself jumping into the window want to be friends Storm and can you tell Harry I want to be his...

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(Only all black)
Then he started playing with the other fennec fox which Harry called Amber I tried to move closer to Harry I learned I am a shadow demon dominate I could tell Harry was a werewolf submissive I needed to make him mine!

Harry potter the new dark lordМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя