Chapter One: I hate him

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Chapter One: "I Hate Him"

I WOKE UP, the alarm awakening me. I roll in my bed a couple of times. Not bothering to turn off the clock. Why is my phone even ringing It's Saturday? That's when my annoying big brother busted through the door and jumped on me, and no me and my brother have a good relationship it's just how siblings act.

I can't breathe because he is laying on my back making it hard to breathe. I start rolling around trying to shake him off but eventually gave up. "Get off of me you pig, I can't freaking breath", I try to yell, whilst my face becomes red of the lack of air I have. Josh got off me and I started instantly coughing, my face getting pale again and he starts jumping up and down on my bed, just when I thought he had left. What a jerk. He was as annoying as a mosquito, my brother Josh Plainfield. THE famous bad boy, or one of the bad boy squad members.

He was reckless but on the inside, if you knew him then he could be a really sweet and nice person -only if he wanted to- Well he was one of the four shitheads of the school. Player, Bad boy, troublemaker, playboy, whatever you want to call them. There were Josh -my brother-, Harry, Chase, and Chris the biggest of them all and the boy who had the biggest of them all -if you know what I mean-. Also known as THE HUGH best friend, of my brother. They're bromance is creeping the fuck out of me.

"Mum told me to wake you up to remind you you have detention." Well shit. I so totally did not forget. I jump up and look at the clock. 7:30 am. Damn. I'm gonna be late for breakfast time. Don't ask it's something me and my family do every day and if you come late you have to do the dishes.

I jumped out of bed, in my shorts and bra. Who wants to sleep in a freaking t-shirt, it's so tight? I put a white t-shirt on and go downstairs.

Sweet home is what everyone would say. But my home is the complete opposite. I hate breakfast time mother and dear father only created it to be in control of where I and my player of a brother are. Seconds pass as I go downstairs. Appearing in front of the table taking a breadstick and walking away. Ignoring the shouting of my name behind me. If I appeared that doesn't mean I have to stay. I hate my parents.

I took my flannel thin jacket and just walked out with my headphones plugged to my phone. Listening to some slow songs. I was annoyed. I had gotten into detention for trying to separate two girls from literally killing each other and the principal still saw that as a reason to punish me. The girls didn't even get detention because they plied guilty to all charges to the principal together. Like we aren't in a fucking courtroom, are we?

My footsteps started to get quicker. It was 8 am detention starts at 8.30. My hands clenched together. Sometimes I hate humanity. Like why does it have to be this way? I wonder how people even can fall in love like what's the reason for them falling in love. I have never really been in love but I don't believe in it anyway. If my brother marries before me I'd have to kill myself. That's just not logically. He gets everything handed to himself, girls, money. Basically everything. Even guys. My brother has hooked up with more girls than I can count on my hand. I'm never home when mother and father aren't there because that means Josh isn't alone. He would be doing god knows what. I don't even want to think about it.

There are four of those at my school and I don't want to associate with them because they are so gross. But I have to. I have no choice at all. Even though I hate them all. They think of girls like toys. Ok, maybe not Harry, because he can keep a relationship. I remember when Esme broke it off between them. He was so heartbroken and ashamed. Harry didn't go to school for such a long time. The poor guy didn't even respond to his friends. But as he was getting better he started going to school again. I was really glad that he was getting better. They were in a long relationship as I remember correctly. Like 6 months maybe longer. He loved her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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