Chapter 3

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When Shoto turned around he felt ice- blue eyes piercing his soul, as they watched him carefully.

Although the stare was so cold, it had  somehow something comforting and calming to them.

Soon Touya's gaze softened and he directed his attention back to the bundle of fur that was laying in his hands. 

Shoto moved a bit closer and realized that the bundle in his brothers hands was the red kitten he saw this morning. 

The kitten rubbed it's head against Touya's hands and purred softly. 

"Looks like this one was abandoned. I looked for the mother everywhere, but I couldn't find her." Touya said as he caressed the soft fur carefully. 

The kitten stretched and jumped off Touya's hands, slowly walking towards Shoto. 

Shoto got closer to the cat and pet her when the kitten decided to sit on his lap and rest it's head on his palm.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Shoto asked as he kissed the kitten on the head and rubbed it's belly gently. 

"I think it's a boy." The older boy replied while sitting down right next to him.

When Shoto looked up, he saw Touya smiling down at him calmly. 

He smiled back and laid his head on the others lap, while still keeping the kitten close to him. 

Shoto looked at him and giggled. 

"You look so pretty when I look at you from down here!" 

Touya laughed quietly and ran his fingers through the other's hair. 

"Don't I look pretty when you look at me normally?" 

"Nope." Shoto said bluntly while petting the kitten. 

Touya scowled for a few seconds before he shook his head laughing and pinching Shoto playfully. 

Both of them started teasing each other until they fell into a laughing fit. 

"What time is it actually" Shoto asked when they finally calmed down. 

"I actually don't know. It's been some time since I last looked at the clock but it should be around 10pm by now. You should get some more rest Shoto. You were really exhausted today and need sleep a little more." 

"But if I sleep now I can't spend more time with you, Touya. I want to cuddle you more as I sit on your lap and play with you everyday. I want to laugh together and just enjoy being with everyone. 

I don't want to cry anymore and I want all of you to be happy for once and not be angry or sad because of what father does. 

I can sometimes hear you crying Touya. I know that father is even worse to you and Mommy. Even now I can see the scars on your body." 

Shoto started crying again and sobbed against the others chest, holding onto Touya tightly. 

"I just want everyone to smile again... Why can't we all just get along?" 

Shoto didn't seem notice that Touya started to cry as well while rubbing the smaller boys back, trying to comfort him. 

Touya cupped Shoto's cheeks and wiped his tears away, as he kissed him on his forehead. 

The two brothers held onto each other as they shed the tears of pain, searching for comfort in the other one. 

"You're one of the bravest and strongest children I know Shoto. 

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