Buffy and Marty 2

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A second guess how their story ends:

Cyrus and Buffy sit in the Spoon. "You have to tell him." Buffy says. "I can't! What if he makes fun of me?" Asks Cyrus. "He won't, I promise." "How can you be so sure?" Cyrus doesn't believe her. "TJ was the meanest person I know - well besides of Kira." she added. Cyrus lift his eyebrow. "But he changed!" Cyrus is still not convinced. "He changed because of you! You made him a better person. He would never laugh about you - he likes you." "Okay, okay, I will tell him, that I am gay." "And that you like him more than a friend!" demand Buffy. "NO! He don't like boys like that!" "How do you know, did you asked him?" "Come on Buffy, it's TJ!" "Yeah, the basketball captain, who mocked everybody and now is really nice, because of you! Do I really have to explain it again to you?" Cyrus think about it. "Okay!" "Yes?" Buffy is excited. "I will tell him, if you tell Marty!" "Tell Marty what?" "That you like him." "He knows, that I like him. We're friends!" "I don't think, that you just want to be friends with him. Admit it Buffy, you wanna be his girlfriend!" Buffy doesn't know what to say. She kind of felt jealous, when he had a girlfriend and she was disappointed, that he isn't interested in her. But does she really like him that way? She wants to open her mouth, but she doesn't have to answer. Marty sits down next to her. He is really close. Buffy tries to slide away from him without drawing attention to herself. "Hey Cyrus, hey Buffy. So whose girlfriend you like to be?" "Marty!" She looks terrified to Cyrus. He just looks apologetic. "I will pay!" He says and let Buffy with Marty alone. "So?" He looks interested to buffy. "You didn't answer the question." "What was the question again?" "Nice try Driscoll!" "I'm sorry, but I don't like to tell you." Marty looks hurt. "Why? Cyrus knows it? Don't you trust me?" "I trust you, but I can't tell you." "Oh okay... I forgot, that I have to help my mum. See ya! Bye Cyrus." Cyrus, who come back from paying, looks confused. "So what did he say?" Buffy sees afterwards Marty. She turns around. "He has to help his mom." "What? That's what he said, when you told him, you have a crush on him." "No, I told him, that I can't tell him." "Buffy..." Cyrus is disappointed. "Cyrus, he don't like me that way. Why should I tell him? But there is a pretty good chance, that TJ likes you and you have to tell him. Otherwise, you two never get together. Maybe TJ doesn't know what these feeling mean, but when you tell him, he will recognize, what he really wants!" "Okay, I tell him, when you tell Marty!" "Cyrus, I already told you, that there is no chance, we get together. He doesn't like me ..." "Yeah, I know, what he said, but what if he only said that, because he thinks, that you just want to be friends. You'll never know, until you tell him! I risk my friendship with TJ, so will you risk your friendship with Marty!" "But,... okay fine, I will tell him."

Next day at school, Buffy tries to find Marty. She walked with Cyrus into the cafeteria, when she finally sees him. Cyrus looks at her challenging. She's taking a deep breath and walks to him. "Hey Marty." "Oh hey Buffy." Marty looks a little bit disappointed. Buffy is confused. "Ehm... can we meet after school?" "Sorry I am busy." "Helping your mom again?" Buffy gets angry. "Yap." "Are you mad at me?" Buffy asks. "No, why should I?" "Because I didn't tell you, you know..." "You can do whatever you want. I have to go." Buffy returns to Cyrus. "So?" asks Cyrus. "He is mad at me, because I didn't tell him, who my crush is. Now I like to tell him, but he won't listen." Cyrus thought a few seconds. "Maybe he isn't mad, because you didn't tell him, maybe he is jealous, because he thinks, it is someone else." "Cyrus. He is not into me." "Yeah, yeah, of course not. I have to go." Cyrus runs away afterwards Marty. "You leave me here alone?" she shouts after him. "Fine." Then she eats her lunch.

"Hey Marty!" "Hey Cyrus, what's up?" "Can I ask you a question?" "Of course. Everything okay?" Marty is a little bit worried. "Yeah, everything's fine. I was just wondering, why you don't wanna talk to Buffy." "I did talk to her a few minutes ago." "Yeah, but she wanted to tell you, who her crush is. The cafeteria isn't really the right place for that, so she wanted to meet you after school, but you didn't want to." "Look Cyrus. Buffy can do whatever she wants and have a crush on whomever she likes, but I don't wanna have anything to do with it." "Because you're jealous." "What? Buffy and I are ... " "Yeah... just friends. I know. But you want more, don't you." "Look Cyrus, I know, you have your heart on the right place, but I tried it, you remember? She doesn't like me that way, and I have to live with it." "So you still like her?" "Cyrus..." "It's fine, but please promise me, you will listen, what she has to say." "Fine, I promise."

In the evening, they were all at Andis farewell party. Buffy stands at the buffet. Marty watches her and smiles. He walks over to her. "Do I know you?" "I think...Marty! You talk to me again?" "Yeah I'm sorry. Can we talk outside?" "Sure." Buffy takes her crutches and they go outside. Searching for a place, where they can talk in peace Buffy sees TJ and Cyrus sitting on a bench. "Is there something, you wanna tell me?" TJ asks. She doesn't want to listen, but she is too curious. "Look TJ, I like boys." "Oh. That's cool." "Espescially one boy." "Who is it?" "You." TJ looks surprised. "You want to say anything?" "Sorry, I... I need to think about it...alone." Cyrus remains sadly on the bench. This scene didn't really increase her confidence, about what happens next between her and Marty, but Cyrus told TJ, so she has to tell Marty. "So you wanna tell me something?" "Yeah I'm sorry, that I didn't told you before. You wanted to know, who my crush is and I want you to know, that I didn't tell you, because I don't trust you, but because it's hard to tell your crush, that he is your crush." Marty looks a little bit confused, than he understands. "You're saying, that I am your crush?" Buffy shrugs her shoulders. "Looks like it. I know, we are friends now, but I thought as a friend, you should know. That changes nothing, if you don't want anything to change. We still can be friends." "Can we also be more now?" "You mean more than friends?" Buffy is surprised. "But I thought you didn't like me like that. You told me so." "Just because I wanted to hang with you again. If I can't be your boyfriend, than I like to have you at least as a friend." Buffy smiles. "So I guess Rachel was right." "To be jealous of us?" "Yeah." "I think so." Marty smirks. "So are we together now?" asks Buffy. "Seems like it." "Then maybe we could do this." "What?" asks Marty, but in this moment Buffy already puts her lips on his and they kiss. After they release from each other, they hear TJ and Cyrus.

TJ runs from the house to the bench Cyrus sits. "You know what? You can't just tell me something like this." "Well I did and I know, that you feel the same, but aren't ready to admit you have feeling for a boy, That's okay, I needed some time to accept it." "I'm not into boys. I... I..." "You never felt anything like that with a girl, what you felt with me." Cyrus was a little bit scared, but he know, he is right, so he gets confident. "You can be a little bit annoying, you know that?" "Well you can be oblivious." "Well you can be very judgy." "Well you can be intimidated." "You know, what I wanna do now?" "What?" And then TJ kisses Cyrus. Buffy and Marty applause and cheer. Cyrus und TJ look to them and smirks. Then TJ takes Cyrus hand. As they walk into the house, he hesitate a few seconds, but Cyrus comforts him.

Buffy turns to her new boyfriend. "So what are we gon wna do?" "How about a race?" "Marty I can't do any sport. I have a stress fracture." "So you're afraid I beat you?" "Of course, you'll beat me. I can't run!" "So you say I am faster than you?" "MARTY!" "So why exactly do you have a stress fracture?" "Because I ran a marathon without training." Buffy admits. "So I was right." "Yeah, you were right." "That's the best thing, that happened today." "Hey! I kissed you." "I now can have this everytime. You will never say again, that I was right." He leans forward to kiss her, but she just pushs him and he falls into the pool. "I think THAT is the best thing, that happened today."

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