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                                                                          ♡ 회의♡

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♡ 회의♡

It was a Friday night and I was wiping off the tables in the chocolate shop. It was my second week into the job and this was my first closing shift. I heard the rain drops hitting the windows to the chocolate shop. I was humming along to Superhuman by NCT in the background. Suddenly the door opened.

"Sorry we're clo-" I was saying and turned around. I stopped my words because right then and there I seen the most beautiful woman ever.

"What may I help you with?' I smiled and asked.

"May I just have a chocolate truffle and a hot cocoa?" she asked while still looking at the menu. I was admiring every feature of her. Her long hair. Her nice lips. Her voice that came from the heavens. Her body shape. Everything about her was like a goddess.

"Yes you may," I smiled and said. "May I have a name for the order?"

She gave me a weird look. "They've never asked me for my name here before."

"Ah, sorry it's a new feature they do," I said and awkwardly smiled knowing that was a lie. She just nodded her head.

"Sun," she said and smiled slightly.

"8,000 won please," I said.

She opened her purse and got out her money. I put in the money on the register. I wrote her name on the cup so my lie looked real started getting her drink ready. I got her chocolate truffle and put it into a mini bag. She sat down was looking at me making her drink which made me shy.

"Sun," I said and placed her stuff on the counter.

"Thank you," she said and smiled sweetly at me which made my heart flutter.

"Have nice day," I smiled at her. She blushed at my smile which made my heart flutter even more.

"You too," she said as she put her stuff down one of the tables. She looked down at her stuff as she was thinking hard. She turned to me with sorrow eyes.

"I forgot to bring my umbrella but I don't know how to take this stuff to my car," she said while blushing. I let out a light chuckle and went to the back. I got my umbrella and went back to the front and handed it to her.

"You can use my umbrella," I said. She looked at me with cute puppy eyes with pity.

"Don't worry I have another in the back, you can keep this one," I awkwardly laughed.

"Thank you again Baekhyun," she giggled and started walking towards the door with her stuff in her hand. My heart fluttered when she said my name. I ran to the door and opened it for her. She lightly bowed her had. She opened her umbrella and waved bye at me and started walking towards her car. I closed the door and locked it. I stood there watching her get in her car and drive away. I finished cleaning up the rest of the chocolate shop. I turned off all the nights and walked out side. After locking the door I turned around and sighed.

"Great Baekhyun, you have to walk home in the rain now," I said to myself. I put my hands into my pockets and stated walking home shivering in the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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