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"Kayla!" I faintly hear as I'm waking up.
"Kayla!" There it is again.
"Kayla! You're gonna be late for your audition!" I sprang out of bed.

I quickly grabbed some cute clothes, my brush and shoes to head to the bathroom. I got into the shower and scrubbed up. When I got out I multitasked by getting dressed and brushing my hair.
I scrunched my hair and then brushed my teeth. I put light makeup on and I put my shoes on while hopping down the stairs to go out the door.

"We're almost there, calm down." My mom says.

"Easy for you to say, you aren't trying to be an actress on your favorite show!" I exclaim.

She yields at the parking lot and I jump out of the car.

"Kayla!" She yells. "Thanks for the ride mom!" I yell back as I open the door to the studio.

I immediately stop running and begin swiftly walking to my audition room.

I open the door and see there's barely anyone here. So I sit down and wait for the number thirteen to be called for my audition.

Time passes by and then I hear over the speaker, "Thirteen! Audition number thirteen." I step into the room and walk onto stage.

The judge plays the role of Will Byers, while I play the role of his love interest, Lizzie.

"Lizzie, you don't understand." The Judge reads. "Understand? Understand what?" I spit. "It's hard to explain I-" I cut him off like it says to do. "So you expect me to trust you when you can't even tell me what's happening? That doesn't make sense Will!" I shout. "Lizzie, you wouldn't understand through words." "What?" "I have to show you." ..

"Thank you, Kayla! We will be contacting you soon whether or not you got the part!" He says. "Okay! Thank you so much." I walk off the stage and out the doors feeling refreshed.

My mom pulls up out of nowhere and asks how it went.

"It went pretty well I think." I said.
"Good!" She exclaimed.

[a couple weeks pass]

|Dear Kayla,

We are excited that you auditioned for the role, Lizzie and we are glad to inform you that you got the role! You will come in tomorrow at noon to meet the cast and to have fittings for the outfits etc.

We will also have a housing for you to stay in with the other cast members. Including your own trailer on set. You will be sharing so choose who you want to share with wisely. We are glad to have you aboard.

Sincerely, The Duffer Brothers|

I run to tell my mom and she meets me halfway through the hallway.
"You got the part!"
"I got the part!" We scream in unison.
We burst out laughing.
Next I text my best friend, Ashley.

Kaylaroo: Ashley!
Ashree: yes?
Kaylaroo: I got the part!!
Kaylaroo: I'm so excited!
Ashree: SAME
Kaylaroo: Never!

The next day I wake up early to get ready.
I decide to wear a blue jean dress with a white shirt under it with some cute flats. Along with a silver moon necklace.
I waved my blonde hair, and put mascara on along with some other light makeup.
I look in the mirror and flutter my big blue eyes once more and head out.

My mom drops me off and I speed walk inside, ready to meet everybody.

I walk through the audition doors to see Matt and Ross Duffer.

"Hey! You must be Kayla." Ross exclaims.
"Yes I am, nice to meet you!" I hold out my hand to shake theirs.
"Same to you." They both shake my hand.

"The cast is in the other room, we'll show you there." They go to the right door and I follow. They open the door up to some familiar faces.

They were all mingling until the doors opened and then they all shut up.

"Hello everybody, nice to see you all again. This is Kayla. She will be playing Lizzie." Matt explained.

"Uhm, hi." I grin.

Millie is the first one to speak.
"Oh my gosh, yes." She hugs me. "You are precious. You're perfect!" She smiles.

Sadie comes over as well. "Yes, very perfect. Especially for your role!" She smiled.

Gaten came over with his cute smile on his face and said "Welcome to the cast of Stranger Things 3! You'll fit in just fine." He shows his pearls. Next is Caleb who's really sweet. He also says welcome.
Finn hugs me and makes a funny joke.
Last but definitely not least, Noah.
He looked a little afraid of being near me but he warmed up once I smiled at him.

"Hi, welcome to the cast." He smiled back. "Thank you." I smiled back.

We all talked for a while. I mainly talked with Noah, we made jokes and laughed. It was really great.

Then it was time for us to go home.
"Why don't we all go out or something?" Millie suggests. "Sure." Everybody agreed.

We all started walking wherever Millie was going and then she squealed.

"There's a fair!" She said. Everybody looked at her. "What? It'll be fun! C'mon!" She started walking faster towards it.
Everyone followed.

We all kind of split into a group, Gaten, his girlfriend, Sadie and Caleb went to the prize games and Finn, Millie, Me and Noah went to the Ferris wheel. Millie and Finn sat in one and me and Noah sat in another waiting for the ride to start.

"So, I know you've known us for a couple of hours but are you getting comfortable with us yet?" Noah laughed.

"Yes, you are all making me very cozy." I smiled back.

"Good." He smiles at me.

We stopped at the very top and I started getting anxious. "Why are we stopped?" I looked down and Finn and Millie, and they were in their own world so then I looked at the guy. He was calling for maintenance.

"Oh no." I say. "What?" Noah looks past me. "We're stuck here?" He asked. "I hope not for long." I start to shiver.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "I have a tiny fear of heights." I admit. "The more you know." Noah jokes. We both start laughing and end up cracking jokes the whole time we're stuck up there.

An hour flew by and we didn't even notice. The ride started once more and he turned his eyes to look at me. I looked back at him and we smiled at each other until we got off the ride.

I hope you enjoyed I know it was kind of short but I promise I have plenty of ideas for this story!

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