Maybe Tommorrow

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Mitch's POV: Jerome And I talked. I told him love yah. I meant it , but I doubt he thought of it in that way. I am not sure when I will tell him. I think when he comes to visit in a week ,I can't wait .

*Next Day*

I wake up thinking about jerome ..I smile and giggle a bit. I wonder would jerome still be my friend if I told him and he doesn't like me back. That could be the end of our relationship forever. I won't ever talk to him or ever see him. Our fans will wonder . I dont want that to happen I dont want to tell him but yet I am going to die if I dont.

Jerome's POV: I wake up and see a text from Mitch ..

Mitch : Hey I was wondering if you could possibly come more sooner for a visit we need to talk but in person.

I reply...

Me: Yeah of course how about in like 2 days ..I will start getting things ready ..see you soon.

I kinda was excited about seeing him sooner. I wonder what he wants to talk about. I have mixed feelings for Mitch I dont know if I really do like him or if I am just being wierd . I mean I have girlfriend and I can't do that to her. I love her , but I think I might have a small crush on mitch . and that would lead to us having a horrible relationship if I told him. He wouldn't forgive me . It would be too awkward.

*2 days Later*

Mitch's POV : Jerome is coming today I'm so excited. I begin cleaning up a bit. I hear a knock at the door. I open the door to be greeted by a warm hug from Jerome . I feel my heart melt.

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