Chapter 9: System

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Shining Hope finds less Players in town than back when they entered.

Edo: "(sarcastically) Well my confidence just shot up ten times."

Players begin logging out left and right, only leaving five or six others Players on this messed up Delta server.

Asaka: "It may be cool to have an opportunity to have both games collide, but this is just way out of hand."

Isabel: "(thinking) So why did Anti-Aegis give us a time limit that lasts till the end of break? They could easily take all of us out at once."

Anthony: "Probably a case of cockiness."

Risa: "We did get to see them beat the SHIT out of those two."

Zack/ Micheal: "(sighing) Can you please stop talking about that?"

Risa: "I'm mainly talking about the one who tried it AFTER the first one failed to do the exact same thing."

Roy: "(shrugging) She got you Zack."

Zack's face turns bright red.

William: "Let's just go to the next boss. We're going to need some sources of light."

Micheal: "We can handle it."

The group makes their preparations and head to the ruins nearby town.

Serena: "Let's try not to get separated in there."

The group arrives and steps inside.

Robert: "(in awe) Wow..."

The inside of the ruins is now more than just blank walls, but have intricate drawings of civilization, like hieroglyphics.

Micheal: "Stay behind Zack and me."

The group makes their way deeper into the ruins, only for a pathway split.

Zack: "Let's head this way."

Ten of them head right, but...

Asaka: "(confused) Guys?"

Asaka, Risa, Serena, and Andrea were a little slower than the others and didn't know which path they took.

Andrea: "Let's head right."

Risa: "Funny. The Rouge and I believe Ninja are slower than the rest."

Serena: "Funny jokes all around."

The four take the right path in complete darkness.

Andrea: "(sarcastically) Perfect."

Asaka: "(sarcastically) Perfect time to trip a few times."

The four continue down this pathway until...

Roy: "(afraid) Where are Risa and the others?"

Everyone stops and looks around.

Tori: "They must've gotten seperated!"

Emily: "That doesn't sound good."

Micheal: "We need to head back!"

William: "No, we could be on he right path."

Zack: "One of our lights needs to head down the other path along with any of the others for ."

Micheal: "I'll head back, but who's with me?"

Roy and Kyle raise their hands.

Kyle: "Then let's hurry!"

The three head back.

Roy: "(in the distance) Just head back if it's the wrong path!"

The three rush back.


Serena: "Is that light?"

The four girls step into a gigantic room.

Andrea: "They must've gone down the other path."

A massive bat swoops don from the ceiling as a small blink occurs on their ID Cards and Gloves.

Asaka: "What does that mean?!"

Risa: "We're going to need a power boost for this fight!"

Andrea: "True, but what're you suggesting?!"

Risa holds out her ID Glove hand.

Risa: "Let's use this Bio-Link!"

Asaka: "Fair enough and if it can work IRL, it should be safer here."

The bat and it's tiny rider ready to .

Risa: "Let's do it Asaka!"

Asaka and Risa swipe their stuff together like an anime sword clash.

ID Glove: "Bio-Link initiated."

A pillar of water envelopes the two as Serena and Andrea are enveloped in shadows.

Risa/ Asaka: "Now let's go!"

The two have magic emanating off of a karate gi with a glowing glare in their eyes.

Andrea/ Serena: "Alright!"

Black energy emanates off of their thief's outfit with a similar glare.

Risa/ Asaka: "Let's beat this thing nice and quick!"

A wave of electrified water blasts towards the boss as shadows head for the rider.

Andrea/ Serena: "This should be easy!"

The attacks connect, dealing a shit ton of damage.

Andrea/ Serena: "Now to just-"

Everyone separates.

Risa: "(exhausted) really takes it out of you."

Serena: "(exhausted) For how short it is."

The boss does a boatload right back at them.

Asaka: "(exhausted) Are we screwed?"

???: "No need to fear..."

Roy, Micheal, and Kyle arrive in the room.

Roy: "...(smiling) because I am here!"

Micheal: "Something is telling me that's an anime reference."

Risa: "(bluntly) It is."

Roy gives the boss a nice slash with his scythe and Kyle takes advantage of the moment with a headshot to the rider.

Risa: "(in awe) Like my anime heroes."

Micheal brutally decapitates the bat, giving everyone EXP.

Andrea: "(standing up) Thanks for the save guys."

They hear the others running through the hallway.

Emily: "Of course when you're behind you pick the right path."

The groups join up.

Edo: "Looks like you guys took take of it."

Risa: "We tested the Bio-Link ourselves."

Serena: "Walker needs to lengthen the time limit."

Zack: "We're just glad you're not dead."

Robert: "Enough talk about how some of us almost died, we hit a dead end and had to book it here!"

Risa: "(bluntly) We did what we had to do, so can we just get out of here?"

William: "Yeah, and tomorrow we're going to have a trilogy!"

Michael/ Twins: "No."

Everyone logs out and heads home...

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