Pier 71

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"This is a bad idea a really REALLY bad idea," I breathed quietly. Sweat began to bead up along my brow. I began to breathe into my hands as they felt cold as the rest of me. The mountain air and fog that rolled over the tops brought a numb sensation within me. I stared down from the top of the rocking wooden tower at the cold dark deep water below. The tower swayed lightly in the wind and felt like if a strong enough gust struck it that would be the end of me. I took another look below at Darian he sat on the back of his pick up truck with that condescending smirk and turned up a bottle of Jim Beam and then lit a cigarette. Even from this height I could see the firey brimstone reflecting from the light in his dark eyes. "Come on don't be such a pussy!!," his friend Scott shouted up at me. Scott was his shadow just as crazy as Darian and just as reckless. If Scott's personality wasn't what made you uncomfortable it was probably that cold stare from his blind right eye and the ugly rippled burn that cut down along the side of his face and over his lip. If Scott didn't have that scar no doubt he would attract just as much attention as Darian did from people regularly. He seemed to be just as attractive, but people didn't avoid him because of his scar... it was his attitude that drove them away.

As always Baby just sat there in silence and looked up at me. His features were soft and his big eyes looked like they have seen so much but Baby doesn't speak. He isn't mute he just never talks. I could see though in his eyes his growing concern for me. Baby unlike Scott and Darian had blonde hair, eyebrows, and lashes. People like him too but not many people try to talk to him since he seems to never really respond socially. Before Darian welcomed him in he was bullied badly every day. Now no one touches him without Darian's say so. "What the fuck are you doing Sin..?," Darian shouted up at me, and I was snapped back from my day dreaming. "You gonna jump or what?" Right. Last thing you should be doing is daydreaming. They are safe on the ground and you're up here on top of a unstable tower pier that could collapse any moment!! "Stupid.. stupid, stupid, stupid dare!!," I shouted out.

I could hear Scott laughing loudly below at my outburst. "We already told you it's fucking high up, but you're being a little pussy about it!!," Scott shouted out in his husky voice. "Shut up, Scott!!," I shouted back down at him. I could hear him laugh again and my eyes moved back over to the cold murky water of the lake below. I closed my eyes tightly and clinged on to the rosary around my neck. It was my good luck charm and a small bit of my faith wrapped in one. My grandmother had made it for me when I was seven clinging to it put my mind at ease in stressful situations. I took one last glance at Scott looking annoyed and saying something to Darian before I locked eyes with Darian's. I could barely read what he said in response, before I turned back to the water. Whatever common sense I had left, I absconded it up there on the top of the pier. I closed my eyes and dived off as time seemed to slow down around me. I took my diver pose leaping off and positioning my arms and legs just right for the perfect dive.

There was a loud roar of shouts coming from both Darian and Scott I could hear seconds before hitting the water. Everything fell silent within the water and the bubbles and sound of the splash surrounded me. I opened my eyes and could see the beautiful moon shining down at me over the murky water. I felt like sinking down and never surfacing. I wanted to be carried away by the water it just felt so natural to be there in the dark murky substance than have to come up and deal with anything else. The lake was a world of its own. As my thought faded out and I kept my breath held I closed my eyes a moment finding peace until I heard the splash of something breaking the silence and my peace. I was grabbed and pulled to the surface and back on the dock. I immediately started to inhale taking in the air as my blurry vision started to clear up around me. I looked up into the concerned eyes of Baby. He was covered in head to toe with water his leather jacket even was drenched. The same signature spiked leather jacket all three of them wore signifying their brotherhood. I started to get the water out of my ear as Scott came running up, shouting in excitement from my dive off.

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