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As described by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a series of thoughts, images or emotions occurring during sleep. Furthermore, dreams can be defined as an experience of waking life; having the characteristics of a dream like a vision or a reverie or even a daydream. Dreaming is an integral part of the human experience. In other words, we all dream."

The young man spoke with elegance and suave. In his slightly oversized suit, he turned and gestured to the diverse crowd proudly standing behind him.

"My colleagues and I have, like many people, a unified dream. A goal if you will. You see, we aspire to create a system that will behoove all! We seek to leave a visible mark on the chronology of the human expenditure. We seek, no, strive to make a global change, a change for the betterment of humanity."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, in voting the affirmative for our proposal you'll not only save this great and wondrous country of ours, you'll have saved the entirety of this world! You'll be the difference that guides the future endeavor of our planet. So, I...We, implore you, the representatives of our illustrious country, the land of the free and the home of the brave, to make the righteous decision to restore and ultimately save this planet. So that our future generations may reap the bounty you so diligently sow. Join our cause, vote in favor of this proposal and change the world forever!" Amorous applause erupted from behind the young lad. He strolled down the aisle out of the room proud and confident.

When I found him after that long day in court, I was informed that he had been in the bathroom for an unreasonable amount of time. He had locked himself in and would only talk to me. As I made my way into the pitiful excuse for a latrine, the lad had made his way through the first four stages of grief alone. While he was a prodigy child capable of many great intellectual deeds, he was only a child. Eight-teen years of life can only grant one with so much wisdom.

Tears stained his rosy blushed cheeks. He sat alone propped against the wall nearest the door. Trash was scattered amongst the floor and shards of broken mirror littered the countertop. I sat next to the boy.

"I...I don't understand. None of this...makes sense." The boy spoke through sobs. "Everything that happened until today was exactly how they said things would be. I can still see the end."

"Osiris," I began. "You've done a miraculous job! You've excelled where most adults cannot even fathom."

"But why?" He countered. "why don't they care? Why can't they see beyond themselves? Why did they have to vote against us? Can they not see this is for the greater good!?"

" like this are not truly concerned with the 'greater good' as you are. Money sways their decision making and as uneasy as it is to hear, your proposal is costly." I watched as his spirit retreated further into his cave of despair and depression. I sighed heavily and scratched my head searching for the right words to uplift his spirits. "This is not the end of Osiris. All heroes must face trials. You may not understand why or what will be the outcome of this hardship but know that there is a greater outcome than that which lies in front of you."

"So what should I do Baird?"

"You know I can't interfere Osiris. I can only guide you."

"Then what guidance can you provide?"

"Though the vote was heavily against you, there are still those who voted for you. Not to mention there's a decent following outside this door."

"What are you suggesting?"

"When one door closes, it's usually because that door was never meant for our use."

A silence fell upon us for a moment before the lad spoke with a ferocity I haven't heard in some time.

"Do I need your permission to proceed?"

I chuckled, "you all never learned after all. You never need my permission to do anything." We both stood up. Osiris adjusted himself. "Let me ask you, something lad. What will you do?"

"I will set the world on a path of redemption."

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