cheater neil caught a cheater

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Neil P.O.V

I didn't even knew it was happening I was just standing there looking after Patrick my 4 month old son I was in his bedroom from midnight to 3:30am but as walked out to hearing matt moaning in pleasure "Daddy" I cautiously walked to our room and saw Adam's dick rubbing on Matt's dick but with clothes on I could see Matt's sceard eyes but I was too upset to interrupt so I spent the night with my son

The next day I was in the kitchen feeding Patrick then Matt came in the kitchen dressing all fancy

He said in a deep voice "I'm going to the store and buying some toys"

I cautiously asked "for who"

He winked grabbed an apple and ate it as walked out I went on my phone he wasn't going to the store we was going to Adam's I cried feeling betrayed so I hacked his phone through mine I got into the camera

I saw Matt entering Adam's house then Adam on top of the stair case just in his Batman boxers nothing else

I here matt giggling "nice boxers Adam"

Adam came to him walking in a sexually manner deepened his tone and said "want me to fuck u"

Matt said in a kiddish tone "yes please daddy"

In my mind I was heart broken I can't believe matt cheated on me after a few more hours watching and them two were already having gay sex I could not continue watching this but my phone recorded the whole thing so when matt got home later that night I took him to the living room and putted what my phone got I made matt watch it he did I went to our bedroom and packed my clothes and took Patrick with me and raced to the car

When I got Patrick seated in his seat

"NEIL DON'T GO I'M SORRY THAT I FUCKED UP" matt ran out crying

But I ignored him got in the car and drove off

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