chapter 2

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When john wakes up the general is calling the soldiers out. Men we are about to go into the most dangerous battleground the general says. We must try to stay alive and fight. If we win we go home for two months. Alright let's get walking. As they walked john couldn't help but look at all the guns he was holding. AK-47 a really dangerous assault rifle, a nine millimeter a classic hand gun but hevy unugh to pistol wip someone and then he has his barret 50 cal. He knows he wont be sniping enytime soon but the gun is still verey powerful. As they reach their distanation john heres the first gunshot and scream of one of his buddies its davis he is dying slowly and john feels so bad he gets his AK-47 out and takes cover. We need to get the front liners first mark says no dip man if we dont we will get killed. John jumps out he fires at one guy he goes down then kills another. Befor he knew it he was shooting at every enimy he had seen then he herd a cream then his haert stoped he almost got shot. John come here! The general said we need help it was mark he was on the ground with a bullet hole in his chest j-john is that you yes its me its gonna be ok man. Bro i think im gonna die no man your living the next thing that happens john cant help but fill stupid. An enimy jumps out from behind and knocks john out befor he blacked out he saw as the enemy slit marks throat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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