Thirty Five

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                ⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧                            The babies.


"Justin, my water just broke." I gasped. He froze for a moment then he went up stairs and about five minutes later came down with John following holding a bag. Without any warning he picked me up bridal style and put me in the black SUV. I gasped as a contraction hit. John was driving and my head was in Justin's lap.

We got to the hospital about fifteen minutes later. Justin and John were so calm about it but I was freaking out. I know it was because of the calls and text I had been getting.

*three days earlier

I started to drift off in Jason's nursery when my phone rang. "You should've known better li. Now you're gonna suffer. I'm going to take you and everything important from him. You'll regret the day you conceived them." After that I heard dial tone. It wasn't the first time. It's been happening since I got back from new York.

*That day in the mall

I told Justin I wanted to keep shopping. We needed plenty of baby stuff and we'd need paint for the nursery. After we left Claire's my phone buzzed so I took it out to see a text. I opened it to see

How dare you think you could do better? Is the baby okay?

I hope it dies just like baby Jason and Alex.

If I hit you again would the bastard die.

*Present day

"Ma'am, how far along are you?" A blonde nurse asked. "I'm thirty three weeks.(eight months and a week)" I cried. "Ma'am you're in labor and almost fully dilated. It's too later to give you an epidural. I'm sorry." The doctor and nurses walked out after telling me they'll be back in about thirty minutes.

"It's okay. You can do this. It's okay Lili." Justin kissed my forehead and held onto my hand.

"I can't. I can't do this. I'm scared Justin." I cried into his shirt.

"Lisa you can do this, okay? I know you can." He rubbed my back.

"How? What makes you so sure?" I looked at him.

"Do you remember how we met? The first thing you said to me?" He asked.

"Yeah, we were at playtime and I smacked you in the head with a baby doll." He shook his head.

"It was the day of kindergarten and I pushed a girl down on the playground. You threw a rock at me and said 'If you're gonna pick on someone know if they can handle it.'" He smiled at me.

About twenty minutes later the doctor came in and gave Justin stuff to put on and moved me to the birthing room. As they got me in there a contraction hit. Talking to Justin made me forget they were getting closer together. Three minutes later another hit. "Ms McCann, are you ready to push?" The doctor asked as Justin held my hand. "On three. One two three!" Thirty minutes later we heard a cry. "It's a boy." The doctor smiled. Justin cut the cord and they went to make sure he was healthy. About twenty minutes of pushing later we heard another cry. "You have a beautiful girl." I saw Justin's eyes light up.  They took me to my room and I showered. I came back in to see Justin already holding our daughter. I went over and picked up our son and the nurse walked in with papers.

"Hi, I need you guys to fill out these papers and put their names on here." She winked  at Justin. "Hi, Hey, Yeah over here. He's engaged and a father so buzz off bitch." I yanked the papers from her hand and started filling them out.

Justice Marie Bieber

Justin drew Bieber Jr.

I died writing this. Just picture Justin holding his newborn daughter. Oh, God this is killing me. The end is getting closer.

*Justin, Jason, or one in the same?Where stories live. Discover now