Chapter 2

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Adrien woke up over the door opening he looked at his father his face instantly showed fear he knew Adrien was homosexual but didn't know about Nathaniel because he was worried he wouldn't approve of him

"father..."Nathaniel woke up looking at his father"M- Mr Agreste..."he instantly blew up and had Nathaniel taken back home he gave a long lecture to Adrien Nathaniel knew he did so the next day he told Adrien's father about they're relationship and wasn't afraid to cut him off if he started to get angry

he was quite impressed and surprised by how Nathaniel was but displeased too he didn't like how Nathaniel talked back but was impressed by how he wasn't scared to Adrien grabbed his arm"Nathaniel no don't"he walked off growling that day at school Adrien came in he pulled Nathaniel out his seat locking lips with him

Nathaniel was a bit confused but kissed him back"thank you Nathaniel you actually talked a bit of sense into my father"he smiled"that's fine Adrien"through the day they talked and Adrien would surprise Nathaniel with kisses or saying something in Japanese to him"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu"he smiled"what does that mean?"he said"I love you"he said"awee i love you too"

He kissed Nathaniel he didn't hesitate to kiss back Adrien got him a promise ring they both had one it was a golden band ring with each other's name carved into it so everyone knew exactly who belonged to them since Adrien's father found out he was quite alright with it since it didn't disturb any classes with Adrien

he kept good grades and kept his father pleased so he let Adrien and Nathaniel stay together since they'd hang out in Adrien's free time and it kept both of them happy Nathaniel was often picked on by Chloe since she liked Adrien and had been framed for cheating on him with Luka multiple times so Chloe could get Adrien but Adrien knew Chloe did anything she wanted to get what she wanted he never believed her and he knew Luka liked Marc not Nathaniel

Since Chloe kept trying to break them up they told Chloe's mother to which she knew Chloe was spoiled so she punished her she hated it Nino and Luka were witnesses she tried breaking them up multiple times so was Ayla and Marinette who had soon gotten used to the fact Adrien and Nathaniel were together though she still liked Adrien she didn't try to get them to break up

one day Nathaniel ended up getting upset over Chloe he turned evil so when Adrien was trying to fight him as cat noir he tried his best not to hurt him Ladybug growled"cat noir you have to hit him and get him weak or something!"he frowned"Ladybug that's Nathaniel he's m- Adrien's boyfriend"

"so?"he said"if he ends up hurt Adrien will end up upset and he might be taken over"she growled softly once they had defeated him finally Adrien picked him up"I'll take him back home Ladybug"she nodded and left he took Nathaniel back home and set him down on his bed he distransformed Nathaniel looked at him"Adrien..."he smiled at Nathaniel

"you okay Nathaniel?"he said"my head hurts"he sat down"I seen cat noir hit the back of you're head though it was his only choice"he smiled"thank you Adrien"he sat up and kissed him he kissed back and laid Nathaniel back down"get some rest"Nathaniel shook his head"no..."

he pulled Adrien down beside him sitting on his stomach and nuzzling into him Adrien smiled and held his cute red head boyfriend"shhh..."he smiled and kissed Adrien's nose he smiled and kissed his ear"i love you"he said"I love you too much"

Adrien flipped them and kissed Nathaniel's forehead laying down beside him Nathaniel turned to him nuzzling him"Adrien?"he hummed in response"would you ever want a family?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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Hidden romance(Miraculous Ladybug))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ