Chapter 1: Origins

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A/N: This was mostly made as a test. The FNAS lore is fairly intriguing and I like the franchise. I might make more of this- Maybe.

1991, roughly two weeks after the adventure with his modern counterpart. Classic Sonic sits on top of one of the grassy shuttle loops, looking over the scenery. Ever since he's made a name for himself, he can't catch a break without fans gathering around for his attention or an autograph. It doesn't annoy him much, but it does get tiring, a few of his friends would share the same sentiment.

Hearing the familiar sound of a type of chuffing from Classic Tails taking flight, Sonic glances to the side of him, soon noticing Tails flying over next to him, his tails whirling rapidly in the air. "Hey Tails, what's up?" Sonic greets his friend, said friend descending next to Sonic. "Nothing much... Just finding somewhere to relax for the moment" he sighed, rubbing one of his ears.

"Let me guess, fans tuckering you out?" Sonic chuckles, running a hand through his own quills. Tails nodded in response, letting out another fatigued sigh, Sonic glances away from him to look at the view again. "Same here, I wish there was some way to keep them distracted and satisfied to prevent the need of them swarming us every five minutes..." Tails perks up, taking note of what he said.

"A way to keep them distracted... That's it!" Tails' face brightens up from coming up with a conclusion, standing up. His tails began to spin in place, helping him take flight once again. "Thanks for the idea, Sonic!" He took off, a determination reflecting in his eyes. Sonic stood up, tilting his head at how eager his friend is acting. "You're welcome?"

A week later in the city, Tails invites Sonic over to a building that was recently constructed. A few hired workers carrying boxes inside said building. "What's this place for, Tails?" He asks him, Tails leading him inside the decently roomy establishment. "I was thinking, since we're so popular. We'll come up with a restaurant for the fans. We'll call it 'Sonic's Fast Food Diner'. What do you think?" Sonic thought about Tails' pitch and gave it a thumbs up of approval. "I like it, I guess I'm the mascot?"

Tails nods, handing Sonic a microphone. "The scheduled opening is next week, from 10 AM to 7 PM." "Wait, Tails. I have time on my hands but not that much time! Being here for just an hour would exhaust me!" Sonic immediately can't go with the idea of performing and being in the diner for nine hours. "But you're the needed mascot that our fans would love! There's no one else that can take your place..." Tails trails off, brainstorming again. "I'm going to finish up something I'm building, it'll need a few drastic tweaks but I'll manage by tomorrow. Come back as early as you can." Sonic agrees to that, taking this chance to leave to enjoy some free time and his freedom. Tails left into a back room, beginning his work. He stood in front of a half away completed machine, "looks like there's a change of plans..."

-24 Hours Later-

Sonic stands in front of the empty building soon to be Sonic's Fast Food Diner. Tails opens the formerly locked front door, letting Sonic in. "So what'd you want to show me Tails?" Sonic questions his friend, walking into the back room with him. "Since you won't be able to fit the planned schedule, I made a machine meant to clone you." "Clone me? Why didn't you just build a robot?" "Because they make boring mascots, Sonic. The fans would prefer a real you, not a fake."

Sonic and Tails had their small debate, Sonic eventually giving in to Tails' persistence. "Alright. Alright. So do I just step inside it?" Tails sets a tophat and a bow-tie on Sonic. "Wear this first." The slightly decorated hedgehog rolls his eyes and enters the machine, briefly adjusting the hat on his head and tapping his right foot. "You might want to close your eyes, Sonic. The flashing lights could blind you." Sonic follows the instructions, with a press of a button from Tails the machine lights up and engulfs Sonic's body, matching his DNA and blood.

With the okay from his two tailed pal, Sonic exits the machine and opens his eyes. A golden hedgehog with green shoes can be seen standing in Sonic's place inside it. The classic duo stares at the machine in confusion. "He's supposed to be a perfect match of Sonic. I must have built part of this incorrectly." Tails thought to himself. "Tails. Is this supposed to be a clone of me?" Sonic asks, before he can answer the cloning device opens up again. Out stepped the hedgehog, opening his eyes for the first time.

The faulty clone with golden fur looks at his counterpart, beaming in curiosity. "Well I'll be! Do I spy with my little eye another me? I heard you two saying a thing or two about me being a clone. Are you the original?" His toothy grin proceeds to widen. Sonic returns the smile with one of his own, masking his confusion in favor of a welcoming demeanor instead. "Heh.... You can say that." The golden copy takes Sonic's hand and shakes it. "A pleasure to meet you, buddy!"

Soon enough he lets the hand go, the golden hedgehog eyeing the room around himself, closing his mouth but keeping a smile. Sonic slid over to Tails, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Hey- Uh- Tails. The machine's intended to copy me, right? What's up with his colors? He doesn't act nor sound much like me either." Sonic whispers to him, trying to wrap his head around the sudden phenomenon.

"I'm sorry Sonic, I think the current state of my cloning device is faulty." Tails holds his head down, disappointed with his failure. Sonic immediately took notice and pats his lifelong friend's back. "It's alright Tails, don't let it get to you. There's always a next time, you can build all sorts of things, a cloning machine's nothing with you around!" Tails smiles from the encouragement, feeling his spirits rising. "Thank you, Sonic." "Of course, now what do we do about him?" Sonic jerks his thumb in the golden clone's direction, who's currently looking at the two, finding their mutual care for each other touching.

"Hmmm..." Tails approaches the clone, Sonic in tow. "Hey! My name's Tails. It's nice to properly meet you, sir!" He politely greets himself, if what Sonic said is true it'll be like meeting an entirely different person. "Aw shucks! Thank you, Tails. I wish I can introduce myself in name but... I don't really have one. You called my original, Sonic didn't you?" He glances over at Sonic. "Yup! That's my name, now what we should call you...? Can't go around calling you, 'faker'." Sonic chuckles, his counterpart letting out one himself, his eyes shifting to the side. "I hope you won't, it wouldn't be a very flattering title."

"How about Origin Sonic? Origin for short." Tails suggests, Sonic raising an eyebrow at the name choice and the nameless golden clone looking curious. "Why Origin? Golden Sonic or Goldie is much better. I didn't think you had a knack for underwhelming names." Sonic smirks, lightly punching Tails' shoulder in a playful manner. "Me having bad names? Oh please, Sonic! "Golden" is the most predictable name there is. Origin is at least different, bonus points for being the literal origin of any clones we may have in the future. " Tails narrows his eyes, smiling and punching Sonic's shoulder in return. The golden clone in front of them began to laugh, heavily amused by the two.

"No need to argue you two, they're both suitable names! I'll stick with Origin for now, 'makes me feel a little important if I'm being honest." Origin Sonic decides, resting his hands behind his back. "If you say so, Origin. Say... Now that I think of it, we have an offer to make with you." Sonic took this as a chance of relieving a huge burden off his shoulders. "What is it?" The clone asks in curiosity, beginning to consider Sonic and Tails as friends. Tails caught on to what Sonic is doing, no harm in asking Origin. "We won't force it on you, would you like to perform here? You could even be our mascot." Sonic turns and leaves the room suddenly while Tails is explaining the offer.

"Perform? I'd love to try! But are you sure you want me as a mascot? I'm only a clone after all." Origin Sonic looks hesitant, scratching the back of his quills sheepishly. Sonic enters the room, giving the golden hedgehog a microphone, Tails reassuring Origin Sonic. "We'd be happy to have you, Sonic won't be able to show up nearly as much as planned." "If you're fine with doing this, me and Tails will count on you to make people happy and help whenever you can. We trust that you're reliable enough to put smiles on everyone's faces."

Origin Sonic's smile becomes more sentimental, clenching his microphone. "You two have that much faith in me?" But he thought he was a faulty clone from a faulty machine... Tails said so himself! "Of course we do, you're not perfect but that's okay! If we didn't trust you, we never would've made an offer like this." Tails tells him in a genuine manner making Origin Sonic feeling cared for regardless of his circumstances. Maybe he can even stand as their equals one day... "Thank you, really. I'll do my best and make sure your trust isn't misplaced."

A/N: I'd love to hear some thoughts on this, I do believe I'm a little rusty with writing.

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