Chapter 2: The Diner

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Chapter 2: The Diner

Much later into the afternoon, after recruiting the golden Sonic clone. Hired local mobians brings in tables into the building, some of the crew taking out all sorts of Sonic themed decorations from the boxes they brought in yesterday to prepare for the opening Friday. Sonic, Tails and Origin stands on the left side of the room, watching them work. The latter of the trio is continuing to clench his microphone and shifting his feet in place, preparing himself for the moment he'll need to go onstage and perform. He can do this, Sonic and Tails are counting on him!

Sonic notices Origin's dilemma and nudges his side . "No pressure Goldie, just relax. You still have a few days away." Origin glances at his original, letting out a sigh. "It's Origin... I'll try, just me being a mascot? I feel valued yet so nervous... What if I mess this up?" Sonic rests a hand on his shoulder, "Don't be, you won't mess up. If you're not confident in what you can do, just practice. I know you'll do great!" A small grin appears on Origin's face, appreciative of his new friends going out of their way to ease his doubts.

One of the uniformed mobians approaches the three, a type of fox but nothing too notable about him. "Everything's set up like you requested, boss" the fox tells him simply. "Thank you, you and everyone else are about done for the day." Tails smiles. "Got it." The same fox employee responds, the day shift staff promptly leaves the scene. "What else is there to do, Tails?" Sonic asks his friend, resting his hand off Origin's shoulder.

"We still have to establish our marketing, set menus, organize anything else, etc. No doubt that the diner will have a lot of attention. If we don't get everything perfect now, we'll regret it later." Tails sighs, sounding a bit stressed from the pressure. "Wew... Tails, you'll definitely need a long break once a lot of fans get distracted by the diner." Sonic comments, currently in a relaxed posture with his hands behind his head. "Hah... Yeah, maybe." Tails chuckles in a doubting tone of voice. He'll have to handle a lot of things in management. The sun setting outside the restaurant from the roller coaster of events that made the time pass by quickly.

"It's getting late Tails, let's deal with this stuff in the morning." Sonic walks ahead, leaving the soon-to-be restaurant. Tails begins to follow him until he realizes that Origin Sonic is still here with nowhere to go. "...Umm... Not trying to be a huge bother but... where should I spend the night?" The golden clone asks Tails, lost and unsure what to do. "Hmm" Tails ponders, beginning to hover above the air with his twin-tails. He flies over to the stage and pulls the curtains aside, revealing a door. "Is it fine if you sleep backstage for tonight?" It likely isn't the most ideal choice for Origin but Tails didn't have the time at the moment to build a bedroom for him.

Origin Sonic climbs onto the stage, eyeing the door. "There huh? Well alright, go ahead and go home Tails. I'll make sure there's no thieves sneaking in here! No trespassers after all, right?" Origin Sonic is smiling a little wider than necessary, unintentionally looking a tad menacing within the much darker building; Origin is just eager to prove himself to Tails. "R-Right!" He responds, flying over to the entrance. "Good night, get some good rest."

"I will! Just be sure to do the same buddy" Origin Sonic closes his eyes, his smile growing less wide and looking less menacing but more affectionate. He watches Tails lock the door from the outside and head out into the distance. The golden hedgehog thinks on what to do before going to bed, he decides to wander around the building for an hour or two to get familiar with the surroundings. He proceeds to do just that, walking from hall to hall, once satisfied with his exploration and that there's no thief of any kind, he enters backstage. Origin sits in a chair, looking up at the ceiling. "Friday isn't too far from now..." Origin murmurs to himself in his head, his body growing more limp from fatigue overtaking him. Some shuteye won't hurt... The golden clone's eyes closes once again, drifting off to get some refreshing rest for the night.

Soon enough, Friday came faster than Origin had anticipated, fiddling with his microphone and bow-tie in a nervous manner. Sonic and Tails stood outside the diner, a crowd that's tremendous in size of multifariously different people. All gathered about for the Diner of the famous blue blur's to be open. To say that it had interest is an understatement, Tails' idea in form of a restaurant even making it on the news. A huge sign on top of the restaurant, some people wondering why it's displaying Sonic with a golden color. "Welcome to Sonic's Fast Food Diner, a restaurant from yours truly! This idea came together purely for the fans..." Sonic continues his brief speech that excites the audience further. "Without further ado, Sonic's Fast Food Diner is officially open!" Sonic cuts the fancy ribbon, Tails really going all out with this restaurant.

Origin Sonic took a deep breath, all sorts of eager fans entering the complete restaurant. A lot of Mobius citizens gathering around to the stage, a curtain around it. Sonic stands in front of the curtain, building up an announcement to Origin. "A friend of mine is here to perform for you all...!" Origin Sonic attempts to reassure himself rapidly that he can do this, he prepared the past week!

"Give it up fooooor! Origin!" Origin Sonic readjusts his top hat one last time, stepping out of the stage to meet the applauding crowd. Naturally he receives a lot of whispers from a golden hedgehog with green shoes, the majority clapping continuously to be polite. Sonic encouragingly pats Origin's shoulder blade, walking off the stage himself. Origin raises the microphone to his mouth. "H-Hello everyone! It's an honor to be performing for you!"

A few quiet whispers continue, the audience noting that despite his near identical look to Sonic, he doesn't sound nor act much like him. A few in the crowd assumes that it's someone in a costume. "Now then, I'm sure you've been waiting long enough. Let's get this show on the road!" Origin Sonic begins performing the catchy songs he rehearsed. Tails sitting in his personal office meanwhile. Overnight he plastered many flyers on the building that a night guard is needed, Tails needs one to help watch over Origin and make sure no burglars barge into the place at night.

He's surprised no one's really trying to interview for the job, maybe everyone is so enthusiastic for the Diner opening that barely anyone noticed? Tails taps his desk, considering checking the mail for any paperwork to handle until the same fox employee enters the room. "Someone's here to see you, boss." He tells the other fox. "Who are they?" Tails wonders, "It's for the best you find out." The normal day shift mobius employee responds, resisting the urge to express his distaste toward the sudden newcomer. "Alright, bring him in..." Tails allows, can't hurt to interview this person.

To Tails' surprise, Dr. Ivo Robotnik better known Eggman out of all people steps in the room, his classic self like everyone else: holding one of the fliers that states they need a guard. "Ho Ho... Hello, Tails. I see you require the services of a nightwatch."

A/N: I originally planned for the generic fox to be a reference to Pyro but since he and the team would rather me be accurate to the canon I stuck to a random fox mobian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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