Deep thoughts and Cupcakes

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Alfred was anxious through all his classes. All he could think about was how he's getting more information tomorrow.

Maybe "Señor Wang" is less suck up than I thought. Hehe "Señor Wang" Hehe... Uuhhhh... Wait what was I thinking about... Oh yeah! How am I gonna sneak around...

Matthias could tell his friend was concentrating hard about something. He wasn't even eating his after school burger or drinking his Coke. He just wanted his friends to be chill again. I know it's selfish but. Can't we just act normal for one day. ONE HOUR EVEN! Not just passing minutes...

"Hey, Al."

Alfred looks up from the food he was just staring blankly at. "Yeah dude?"

He stops and turns towards Matthias when he sees his friends face.

"... I was thinking..." Matthias starts to rub the back of his neck and a just his stance to something more comfortable.

"Dude? You ok? You're starting to freack me out bro." Alfred asks as he puts a hand on Matthias' shoulder. He starts to take a drink, a nervous tick he has with drinks.

"Ja! I'm good!" Matthias says with a slightly forced smile. "It's just that..." He drops his hands then starts to smile for real. "We should go out!"

Alfred spits his drink all over the ground of the school steps. "What?!" Matthias! What the hell do you mean by that?!" His face turns pink from the shock and awkwardness.

"Hahaha! Dude! What I mean is you, me, and Gil go do something fun! Get your head out of the gutter. Oh wait... I forgot that's where you live oops."

Alfred shoves Matthias. Completely irritated. "Go suck a d*ck or something, geez." He wipes his mouth with his black shirt. "I hate you sometimes."

Matthias grebs Alfred and give a him a noogie. "Awww! I love you too man! Now let's go find Gilbert."

((((((((((((((((Gilbert's house))))))))))))))))

Matthias' silver Jeep screeches to a halt. Gilbert's red bmw convertible sits in the driveway of his rented house. A little two story building that Gilbert's father bought for the brothers to use while they went to school. The light in Ludwig's room is on but Gilbert's is off.

"Vi er her!"

"Matt, how are you so optimistic right now? We could barely got him to sit with us at lunch the first week."

"Just trust me. He'll come with us whether he wants to or not!" Matthias gets a evil type grin on his face. Alfred looks at his friend questioningly. Then shakes his head and smiles.

"Ok. What's the plan my dude?"

Gilbert lays on his bed in his dark room with his thoughts. "Get over it" whatever flachwichser. I hope someone defaces soothing you love... But maybe they're right. Am I being to sensitive? Gott, I can't even pretend to be slightly over it. Not for the school, not for mein friends, not even for mein bruder... I'm pathetic. Tears start to well up in his eyes.

It's starting again. Everyday after school he just lays on his bed and thinks. It always ends in tears. Scheisse, I'm being to loud. I don't want luddy to hear me. I should clean up and get some food.

Ludwig sits in his room and trys to study while listening to music threw his headphones. Gott, this music is so loud. It was a nice suggestion from Feliciano on how to drown out noise but... It doesn't seem to work well for me. I'll just take a walk next time bruder starts to hit his punching bag again... Maybe I'll take Elizabeta up on her offer to stay the night for awhile... I can't hear him right now. I should go down stairs and make us some cupcakes. Bruder always calms down after I make him baked goods so maybe he'll stay calm if I give some to him preemptively.

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