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"The meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice, but that some things stay the same only by changing."


Donghyuck was more interested in the laces on his beat-up sneakers than the conversation between his father and Mark, but he could feel the man glancing back at him every once in a while. It was aggravating him. Mark had no problem being a dick to him in the car, and now he wanted to act like it never happened? Donghyuck was unamused.

Sand was slipping in the space between his socks and shoes, and he was starting to regret asking to come. He had originally wanted to accompany the two for an opportunity to get closer to Mark, but his wish seemed to be slipping between his fingertips the closer they got to the group of other archaeologists. Despite the pettiness that was welling in his heart, he knew he had to set things right, or the guilt and jealousy would kill him.

He carefully navigated his way through the relics that were scattered along the beach, all probably priceless and worth more than Donghyuck's life. Mark was watching him curiously, but followed without asking any questions. Donghyuck found the arm of a random statue and held it up.

"Tregua? (Truce?)"

Mark chuckled and shook the statue's hand, and the two joined Heechul's group with matching smiles. Donghyuck remained uninterested in what his father and Mark were babbling about, although he was aware of the bronze statue that was slowly and cautiously being lifted from the murky water below their boat. It was covered in an odd green color, presumably mold, and reeked of salt and death. But Heechul and Mark seemed oblivious to these obvious turn-offs and rushed to examine the statue heartily.

"Gross." Donghyuck crinkled his nose in disgust as Mark reached over the side of the boat to gently graze his fingers along the nose of the bronze statue. Donghyuck almost wished that Mark would touch him as gently as he touched the statue, and hopefully with the same awestricken look in his eyes.

They pulled the Boxer statue back to the shore, where Heechul's team rushed to clean it. When they were satisfied with their work, the moon was already in the sky, reflecting off the now clean statue and onto Mark's concentrated face. He was cute when he concentrated, Donghyuck noticed.

"Beautiful," Mark sighed out as he stared at the ancient piece of history.

"Very," Donghyuck nodded his head subconsciously, but he had yet to actually look at the statue. Mark's eyes met his own dazed ones and the two shared a look not meant for friends. He should be saving this for Chiara, Donghyuck internally cringed at his own mind, successfully breaking the seductive eye contact.

"Who wants to swim before we leave?" Heechul asked, and everyone cheered happily, jumping into the water. Some hadn't even bothered to remove their clothes, and Donghyuck chuckled, stepping in after them. After an hour of leisurely swimming, the trio took their leave, Mark and Donghyuck exchanging looks the entire way home.

The second Donghyuck heard the engine stop, he ran from the car and to his bike. He had a date with Chaeyoung that he was very late for, the reason being Mark and his incessant, yet adorable, rambling, although she'd never know that. He knew the probability of her waiting for him at their signature lake was slim, but he still couldn't help the rejection he felt when he called her name and she was nowhere to be found. He pedaled home with a disheartened but accepting smile and flopped to his bed, awaiting the next day.

What Donghyuck did not expect to find himself doing early the next morning was sneaking his way into Mark's room, craving the older man's presence. Mark had left in the morning for a reason Donghyuck truly didn't want to know, especially if it had to do with Chiara, and was now bestowing him a prime opportunity to pry. His fingers slid against the cool metal doorknob before he drew back in fear and scurried to his room. He could hear Wendy's footsteps on the stairs and was unsurprised when she entered Mark's room with a pile of his clothes, gently placing them on his messy bed.

He was watching from his side of the bathroom but quickly placed his headphones over his ears to avoid any rumors of spying and sunk into his chair. She knocked and he allowed her to enter, placing a nearly identical stack on his neat bed. She left with a curt nod and Donghyuck's body relaxed. When he deemed her far enough, he snuck through their conjoined bathroom into Mark's room, eyeing the mess. Clothes were scattered across the floor and on his bed, his suitcase was open on the floor, the closet door following suit.

"Jesus, Mark," he mumbled to himself, but he couldn't help but bask in the musky scent that hung over the room. Mark's red swimming trunks from the night before were hanging from his bedpost, and Donghyuck felt the fabric. He was itching to just touch them, imagine Mark and the things that had been in them. He snatched them greedily and flopped onto the bed.

The fabric was salty and sweet under his nose, and when he experimentally prodded his tongue near the crotch, a pleasant sensation passed through his body. He removed his own shorts, his erection standing tall and proud against his stomach, and slipped on Mark's.

Donghyuck knew it was wrong, so wrong to be doing what he did, but the pleasure outweighed the disgust he felt with himself. He wiggled his butt against the sheets, begging for some sort of friction. The pillows by the headboard were screaming his name and he hurriedly grabbed one, slipping it between his legs.

Donghyuck threw his head back with a silent moan as he began to grind against the pillow. It wasn't Mark between his legs, but the smell alone was enough to send chills throughout his body. He sucked his lips between his teeth to contain the pants falling from his lips like honey, but to no avail. He was reaching an unexplainable high when he heard the sound of tires on gravel from Mark's open window. They were steadily approaching the house, and Donghyuck knew if he finished himself off he wouldn't have time to set things back in order. With a desperate whine, he removed the shorts, replacing them with his own, and threw the red ones back over the post.

Donghyuck's erection was straining against the fabric, desperate for a release that hadn't come, and Donghyuck covered it with his hand, running to his own room and slamming the bathroom door shut. He needed to finish himself, and so with difficult steps, he managed to peek from the window down the corridor, seeing Mark's retreating figure as he made his way to their pool.

Donghyuck's bedroom became his fortress as he blissfully imagined Mark with each of his movements, eventually finishing with the boy's name slipping from his parted lips.

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