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Once upon a time, (because that’s how all the greatest stories begin) in an inky black town in an unimportant corner of an inky black world something special happened. Not that it was special or important to the inky black world or the town but it was important to some of the people who lived there. In this inky black town there lived all sorts of different people. People who were green or sometimes yellow or any combination that lay in a rainbow. There were large blue people and small red people. Some people were cold to the touch and some of them were too hot to get near but the most beautiful people were those who could glow.

The people who could glow were special because not one glow was exactly the same. Some of them sparkled, some twinkled, and some just beamed light. Some of them were brand new so you could barely see their shine. Some of them were older and burned with an angry red glow. Some of them were so hot they shined the purest white ever seen. Still, they were all lovely in their own way. The saddest thing to see of those people who could glow was when they stopped glowing. They‘d get brighter than ever before and then they’d go dark. Yes, it was sad to be a person who glowed and to know that one day they too would go dark but it was always pleasant to see that this never bothered them. They just kept on glowing. Never arriving at their destination before they had to.

Anyway, this story isn’t really about the people who glowed. This is a story about one of the people in the inky town that didn’t glow though she wished she could. She was a cold little nobody who desperately wanted to be seen yet she always hid under another. She was known by many names in her time but for now we’ll call her Moanne. 

The End.... Not really. To be continued.

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