Guardian's Kisses

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A/N: I wrote this one-shot before writing Dearest Ah Lan. Please excuse any rough patches in the story. :D

"Chief Zhao, since that concludes our business for toda--. "

"Hei Lao Ge," the other man interrupted, coming to stand next to him where he stood by the window, "You know there is one more thing you could do for me." His voice was serious, quite outside of the norm of the teasing manner that Zhao Yunlan directed at everyone, even the Black-Cloaked Envoy.

The two were alone at SID quarters, the rest of the team having scampered away with one excuse or another when the Black-Cloaked Envoy entered the building upon being called.

The sun had set long ago, their business having been concluded to their satisfaction. It was time to leave, only, Yunlan now seemed to have something to say.

Shen Wei sidled over, hoping that it wasn't too apparent that he was putting back some of that distance between them. Turning to the Chief of SID, he raised an eyebrow, not that Zhao Yunlan could see it with his face half hidden behind the mask he wore. "How can I be of help?" His voice was soft, calm, betraying none of the tension coursing through his body.

Zhao Yunlan shivered slightly in the cold air, displaying a hint of uncertainty, and then suddenly surged forward, closing the distance between them once more. He reached out a hand, placing it on a cloak-clad shoulder, squeezing lightly to emphasize the point he had yet to make.

"What are yo--?" Shen Wei began, instinctively putting up an arm, gently hitting against the hand on his shoulder. No one had dared to touch him with such familiarity in such a long time; in that moment, with that touch, he began to lose control.

Zhao Yunlan smirked at him, leaning close to murmur, "There has been something that I've wondered about for the longest time."

"Hmm?" he asked distractedly, continuing to push against the other man's arm. Zhao Yunlan's proximity was making him forget why the distance was necessary. He stood here, dressed as the Black-Cloaked Envoy, with all of the authority it gave him, and yet his mind was in utter chaos because of how close Zhao Yunlan had come. Despite all efforts to calm himself, he grew slightly frantic, frustrated, when there was no give.

His resistance made no difference; it was as if the other man had made a decision and nothing would dissuade him from acting on it today. Leaning ever closer, his head tilted slightly so he could meet Shen Wei's gaze, Zhao Yunlan let the Black-cloaked Envoy see the intent in his eyes. When there was no further protest, silent or otherwise, his hands came up to cradle his face, his thumbs brushing over the mask, as if attempting to touch the skin he couldn't reach.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he moved closer and closer, his eyes focused on the lips in front of him.

Shen Wei knew that he could have stopped Zhao Yunlan, but his body fought his control and body won over mind at that moment. And with that terrible decision, it was as if time had frozen, and the two stood there for an eternity, before Zhao Yunlan closed that final distance between their lips.

He groaned softly when Yunlan's lips landed on his, as they melded together, sharing breaths. There was no hesitation, and there would be no regret. He had been waiting for this moment for what had felt like forever, and he was being rewarded for his patience.

After a heartbeat, the kiss increased in ferocity, clashing teeth and dueling tongues. Zhao Yunlan's hands stroked the underside of his jaw, encouraging the masked man to open wider, to give him access to the secrets held behind those lips.

Shen Wei reached up to grasp Zhao Yunlan's shoulder's, wanting to pull him closer, so close that there would be nothing between them, nothing separating them save for the clothes they wore. Only, where his hands should have touched warmth, should have cradled his strength, he found only air.

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