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"are you sure about this?" i asked, tugging at my barely there top.

i stood in front of the mirror in my room, looking at myself apprehensively. watson was sitting behind me on my bed. this whole past week, he had done his best to convince me that since we were going to a blackbear concert, i needed a badass outfit. that apparently consisted of some pants i had bought thinking oh, i'll change up my style a bit and a white bandeau that looked like a bathing suit top. the pants were orange with black and white checkers down the side. what made me think they were a good idea, i'll never know.

"um, yes luci. do you see yourself? you look really good," watson replied.

i turned around then and eyed his grey sweatpants and simple t shirt. "ok, so do you want to tell me why i have to look 'badass' and you're in every day clothes?"

watson glanced down at his attire, then met my gaze and shrugged. "dunno. guys just don't get dressed up for concerts. now quit complaining and get your shoes on. i don't want to be late."

"okay, okay," i muttered as i slipped my feet into my worn sneakers. i looked myself over in the mirror once more and sighed. i guess i could look worse.

watson must have seen me second guessing myself yet again because he came over and gave a quick, comforting kiss to my cheek. "you really do look good, luci. don't worry so much." he then walked out of my room, leaving me to follow after him.

the car ride to the venue took about forty-five minutes. we were dropped off at the front of the building where a line was coming out of the doors. there looked to be a good mix of guys and girls, though all of them seemed to be around our age. as we walked past the line and towards the back of the building, i noticed there were some girls wearing even less clothing than i was, making myself feel better.

we rounded the corner of the building and saw a rather large man standing at the back door. i assumed that was where watson and i were meant to go, so i walked over, trying to come off as confident. mat might have said we could just give our names, but this guy still looked intimidating.

"names?" he huffed once we had reached him.

"luci green and watson adams."

i held my breath as the guy looked down at us. yes, down. even at 6'3 watson. apparently satisfied with what he saw, he nodded, then pushed the door open and let us in. without a word, he led us through various hallways, and stopped at a labeled door. it read "blackbear." gee, i wondered who was inside.

the security guard knocked on the door, then pushed it open and stepped aside so that we could go in. when the large man moved out of the way, i could see that my suspicions were correct. mat was sitting on one of the two couches in the room. he had his arm resting on the top and his foot on his knee. there were a few other people in the room. one sat on the couch across from mat, a couple were browsing the food that had been set up on a table against the wall, and the rest were just kind of doing their own thing.

mat turned to look at us when we walked in. he had been mid-conversation, but seemed to forget all about it when he saw who we were. he looked at the two of us for a few moments before rising to his feet and coming over. mat greeted watson by shaking his hand. "it's nice to finally meet you, or at least sober you."

watson laughed nervously. "yeah, sorry about that man. it's nice to meet you too."

mat then turned to me, and to my surprise pulled me in for a hug. i was suddenly very aware of how much of my skin was exposed, becoming tense in his arms. i relaxed when the oddly comforting scent of cigarettes and cologne came over me, and i returned the hug. his mouth was next to my ear due to our height difference, and a tingle ran down my spine when i felt his warm breath on my skin. "i'm glad you could come," he said softly.

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