VIII - Sleep.

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"Lady (l/n)!"
I jolt awake at the sound of Jame's screaming.
"To hell with you, dog," I whisper in drowsiness and he chuckles at my misery.
"Please get ready, today your plans include reviewing documents with Lord Phantomhive and two meetings regarding business for your company."
I nod and get ready. Another long day.


Ciel sits in front of me and we both are quietly sipping our teas and reading papers. He pauses and sets a document in front of me.
"A partnership?" I inquire.
"We should combine our sweets in special premium offers." He pointedly stated.
"We should make the wrappers blue and have artwork I've collected from France- it matches your name and company."
He looks at my unreadable, "Why design it after me?"
"You've inspired me." I simply state and return to sipping my tea.
Looking through the documents, I find my travel schedule. I have to travel to Italy for an art show and pick up some pieces for business.
This was planned before I knew Phantomhive so I wonder how that would go about.
"I have a trip to Italy in two days. Will you be fine without me here?"
Ciel looks at me in amusement.
"You think I could not function without your presence, Lady (l/n)?"
"More so you would miss the stench of my soul." I lightheartedly counter.
He nods and we continue our work in silence.


"You have been an irresponsible brat! How can you get engaged and leave this bloody company to mess around with this vermin?"

"Do not speak ill of my fiancé." I glare.

My uncle's face grew red with fury and he slammed his hands on the table.

"I still do not know how my damned brother could leave this company to you! A child! And not me? His own flesh that slaved over this!"

He kicked the wall and threw papers off my desk. He was throwing a tantrum and yet calling me the brat. My uncle is quite an interesting man. He always has pathetic attempts to try and kill me to possess the family fortune but he always fails.

"Are you finished?" I ask, bored by his act.

He stops and stares at me for a second, then runs over to me hands held out, ready to choke me. He grabs a hold of my neck and squeezes. I start losing my breath and then smile sinisterly.

"Do it."

His grip loosens.

"Do it!"

He starts having doubts.

"Do what you have dreamt about. Kill the bitch and take the fortune!"

He gives up. He falls down to my feet.

"Forgive me! You know when old people age they become so impatient and-"

I silence him with a gesture of my hand.


My trustworthy butler appears out of nowhere and bows.

"Yes my lady?"

I look down at my worried uncle who is clammering for words and crying.

"Are you hungry?"

He smiles oh so widely.

"His soul is bitter."

"An appetizer before the main course."

"Oh no my lady, you are sweet like dessert." He smiles as he draws near my uncle.

"Please, (f/n)! Please I love you! I love you!"

I sigh in annoyance.

Before James starts there is a knock on the door. James becomes tense. In walks in Sebastian.
Great, another demon.

"I smelt it and simply could not resist, please my lady, I have been famished."

"Amazing how long you have lasted. Please do share." I point my hand to my uncle.

"Will Ciel not join?" I ask. It is a demon's brunch here.

He shakes his head and stalks to my uncle. The two demon butlers have eyes burning like fiery flames. They have no sense in this state. I get up and walk out to find Ciel.

As I'm walking out, I throw one last glance at my uncle. My last family member. Fear exposed his true inferior state. Crying profoundly and looking distressed, that is how I will picture his final moments.

I continue the path to find Ciel. I wind down the corridors and marvel at the soft moonlight kissing the carpets and walls. It was peaceful.

I stand in front of Ciel's office and knock. He was not there. I then find my way to his room. I knock once more. He does not answer but I can definitely hear strangled breathing. Leaving manners aside, I open the door in concern.

He is laying there in bed, shirt loosened, exposing his midriff and sweating- he looks agonized. He snaps when he smells my presence. His eyes are dark red, almost black. Without me catching on, he grabs me by my upperarm and slams me on the wall next to his door. It was not hard enough to break it, but just enough to bruise.

With one hand, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and arched my neck to one side. My breathing grew sharper and I felt his body's warmth and cool breath.

"Soul." He whispered. His voice was low but it sounded so full of pain. I know that demons would wither in pain without their first meal and James had told me that new era demons were awfully impatient and violent. Any soul would do. These things were an awful combo.

"Tell me, (f/n), why does your soul smell so exquisite?"

I shivered at the way he said my name.

"Why do you feel so soft, (f/n)? Why do you feel so warm?"

His voice made me ache. It was filled with sadness, longing, and hunger. His lips brushed against my neck and he pressed further onto me.

I slowly brought my arms up and wrapped them around him. My hands reached for his hair and I softly started playing with it. Gently, I moved my face so my lips were next to his ear and hummed.

I felt his tension release a little. But he still would not release me. I laid my chin on his shoulder while I kept humming. He shivered.

Groaning, he grabbed my thighs and walked towards his bed. He threw me on there and got next to me. He pulled me close and held me like I would vanish any second.

"I am fine. Please rest with me like this tonight." He requested.

I pulled away and looked at his eyes, they were now a light red.

"That's alright."

I broke away and took of my top coat so I could be comfortable and laid back down. This time, I pushed against him and wrapped myself around him.

He froze but slowly held on and sniffed my hair.


On any other day I would be upset of him demanding me such but I let it slide today. My heart was in a frenzy and I knew he could hear it.

I positioned myself close to his face and started humming with my eyes closed, I softly tugged his hair and slowly started to draw patterns with one hand. I felt him relax.

We both fell into a blissful slumber. We were at peace.
Yikes I grew out of Wattpad but I have all these unfinished chapters so I'll be publishing them!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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