Chapter 12 twin brother??

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(Sorry for the spelling errors🤷🏽‍♀️🥴)

Y/n : jabez stays with vereena
V : oh great
Y/n : and haunter stays in the guess room with Alex
V : but there's only one bed and it's little they won't fit together
Y/n : to bad
V : how about Alex sleeps with you
Y/n : nahhh
V : yes
Y/n : whatever we're here you all then get out of the car and Alex gang gets out of the car
A : wow this house is big
Y/n : yup
D : let's go inside
Everyone : ok
You all then go inside
And then Alex tells everyone what Brandon did so then your gang and Alex gang are cool now and then you tell them wear they sleep
Y/n : ok so Alex and haunter one of you guys has to sleep with me Bc the guess room bed is to little for both of you so who is it going to be

Alex and haunter look at each other

A : could we tell you later
Y/n : ok
Dv : hey guys could we go to the pool
Di : you guys have a pool
Y/n : yup
Di : 😮 could we go plzzzz
Y/n : yea😂
Di : yay I'm going to go change
Y/n : ok 😂
He then runs upstairs like a little kid
J : he hasn't been in a pool In years and he really likes them
Y/n : ohhh that explains why he was so happy like if he hasn't been in a pool
J : yup
Y/n : ok well if you guys want to go in the pool change
Everyone: ok
Everyone goes and changes and so do you after you were done you went outside to the pool and you see Diego sitting down with he's feet in the water and you sit next to him and put your feet in the water
Y/n : hey
Di : hey 😕
Y/n : why are you sad
Di : oh nothing it's just the pool remembered me of my twin sister
Y/n : oh you have a twin sister
Di : yea
Y/n : I have a twin brother
Di : really
Y/n : yea
Di : what's he's name
Y/n : oh well idk me and him got separated after my mom and dad got divorce I haven't seen him or my dad in years
Di : wait what.......
Y/n : what
Di : that's the same thing that happened to me with my twin sister
Y/n : wait..... let's say the last thing we remember of our twin
D : ok
You and Diego : the last thing I remember was me and my Twin playing together in a pool

You and Diego then looks at each other and you start crying and he's eyes start to get watery
You both then get up and hug each other and you both cry Into each other's shoulder and then everyone comes out and stares at you guys
Ds : uh
A : what's going on here
Dv : why are you guys crying
S : are you guys ok
You an diego then pull away from the hug and you both wipe your tears
Y/n : he's my twin brother
Di : and she's my twin sister
Everyone : WHAT
you and Diego tell them everything
Everyone : OHHH
dv : so your my cousin
D : and your my cousin too
Di : yup
Then the girls run and hug Diego and he hugs back and the girls eyes get a little watery same with Diego
A : I knew you guys had to be related
C : you guys look so alike
You and Diego : yea we kinda do
J : ok well let's get in the pool
Everyone: ok
You all get in the pool
Y/n : I still can't believe your my brother
Di : me neither it's crazy
Y/n : the girls always did say we looked alike
Di : the boys said the same thing
Y/n : aww this brings memories
Di : when me and you had races In the pool but you'll always pretend that you were drowning and then I'll try to save you but the you'll push me away and you'll cheat and then you alway ended up winning🙄
Y/n : yup 😂
Di : cheter 🙄
Y/n : whatever I still won
Diego and you : 😂😂😂
Di : idk why put when I didn't know you were my twin sister I felt like I had to protect you or something so when we had to attack your gang I'll always tell them to not hurt you
Y/n : awww
Y/n : ever time I looked at you idk why but I'll always think of you as a brother and turns out your my twin brother
Di : yea ahhh that's crazy
Y/n : I know right
Di : soooo.... hows mom
Y/n : she's good she's currently hiding from the cops in Chicago
Y/n : how's.... dad
Di : in jail
Y/n : oh
Di : yea
Y/n : what did he do
Di : he was selling drugs
Y/n : oh ok

Alex POV
When I saw y/n and Diego hug I was so confused I thought to myself are they dating but then I saw them crying but when they told us they were twins I was surprised I mean they do look alike we all then get in the pool and y/n and Diego were far away from us and they were just talking and laughing witch made me happy to see them happy I then go to haunter
A : hey haunter
H : yea
A : so who's sleeping with y/n
H : me
A : nah me
H : no me
A : come on man me plz
H : ooo you like her
A : what no I just know her better then you
H : whatever fine you could sleep with her
A : alright
C : hey y/n and Diego come over here we're about to play a game
You and Diego : ok
You guys then go to whare Carlos and the rest were
Di : so what game are we playing
C : we're playing with the nerf guns
Y/n  : ok then let's make our groups
C : ok Diego you and me are the team captains so you pick one person in your group then I pick one and it's going to be like that in till we have a team
Di : ok
C : ok you first
Di : I pick.......

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