Chapter 5

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Kakashis POV

"Hand to hand combat now get ready"

I get ready as I listen to Sensei Minato tell us to. I stare deeply into Obitos eyes until we go. I hadent gotten much sleep in the last few days. Those memories of seeing my dad flash through my eyes whenever I'm asleep. As I ger distracted I feel myself hut the ground and Obito put his foot on my chest.

"Obito wins"

I sit up and smile at Rin as Obito runs over to her. I get ready to stand up when I see a girl infront of me.

"That was a good fight you move so swiftly"

I hear her giggle as I stand up.

"My name is Asuna Yumibami. I'm he's to observe and train with your squad for the next for weeks. I hope we get along well"

"I'm Kakashi"

She reaches her hand out and I shake it watching her run over to Minato.

"Rin and Asuna time for hand to hand"

I watch them get into position. Without hesitation as soon as Minato says go Asuna had already moved at Rin. Easily Rin hits her but she doesn't do much it only makes her fly back a bit. I watch as they almost dance Asunas perception is almost the of an Uchiha. Rin throws a kunai but Asuna defects it back at her and from what to be wind style she guides it back flying next to Rins face so fast it makes her hair move with the wind. As Rin goes to charge Asuna uses summoning jutsu to get a shuriken. It scratches Rins arm. After a few moments Rin is in the ground with Asuna taking the win.

"Asuna wins"

I watch as they go off over by a tree together as I walk up to Minato.

"Sensei what is up with that girl"

"Oh Asuna she's a chunin just like you, the same age might I add. She doesn't stick around long in teams though to help her out with some training for something she's trying to get into. She's basically family so please be nice to her"

I nod in amazement. 10 and a chunin like me. She has to be smart.

Next week.

I sit down under a tree when Asuna sits next to me. We've talked a bit but I like to keep myself closed it's kind of hard with her though.

"So Kakashi what are you doing today"

"Same stuff I do everyday"

"Well would you like to go get some Ramen today j got some money from the last mission we were on"

"No just stay at home with your family"

I hear her choke up. I look at her as she almost breaks with the same smile on her face.

"Sure thing"

She gets up walking away.

Next week

It's dark. Asuna comes up to me as she was watching me train. I was irritated that day because of Obito. His mouth i just wanna punch him.

"Hey Kakashi let's hang I for a bit stop training you have your whole life"

I had finally had it. I run over ti her and stare her deep in the eyes she notices me being upset but still smiles. I can't stand the smiling all the time like nothing hurts her.

"Why are you always do happy and asking to hangout. How are you chunin but it doesn't seem like you ever actually try what are doing cheating your way to the top or something"

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