Chapter 3- Where the hell is the Cafeteria

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As class ended Mr.Azawia asked to speak with you in private.

"What is it sensei?" You asked quietly.

"Have you took a tour of the school?" He asked.

"Yes" You blatantly lied without regret. He just wanted to partner you up with someone so you would have to make friends.

"Alright, I was thinking of partnering you up with someone so you could interact with the other students. It helps so in Hero classes you know both your opponents and teammates" Mr.Azawia tried his best to care.

"I think I'm fine. These kids here are nice so I shouldn't have trouble making friends" you spoke, trying not to roll your eyes.

"Okay, well good luck" He tried to be cheery. You noticed how he acted with the other students so he must be trying to avenge himself with being nice to a student for once.

As you walked through the hallways you couldn't seem to find the cafeteria. Crap. I don't want to ask anyone for help- that's embarrassing, I guess I'll just eat a small bag of chips you thought as you grabbed a small bag of chips from your backpack.

"Well look what we have here! The new student from class 1A is lost, most likely because of how dumb they are!" A boy with clean blondish hair pointed at you. There wasn't anyone else around so you were confused as to who he was talking to.

"Thanks for pointing that out, what do you want?" You rolled your eyes.

"I just love to admire how STUPID class 1A is" the strange boy laughed. Freak.

"Oh okay. I don't really care, but I can agree that class 1A is very... obnoxious. But so are you, and your show-offy act doesn't make you seem any better than them" You sassed, but in a kind of way that made it seem you didn't care.

"Uh-!" He seemed freaked out that you could actually give a somewhat good insult.

"What's your name" you quietly demanded.

"Your unworthy to know it" He stuck his chin up.

"Boo hoo, I just wanted to know your name god." You teased, not bothering to use your quirk, because that's a waste of time.

"Fine. If you must know, it's Monoma." he gave up his charade.

"Cool. Could- ehm.. Could you help me find the cafeteria" you asked.

"Why would I help a pathetic person from class 1A" Monoma exclaimed.

"That's not very heroic of you to say" you teased.

"Whatever, you can follow me to the cafeteria if you want." Monoma gave up after what you said.

You sat with him and some class 1B students.

"Yo why'd you get this class 1A girl to sit with us Monoma, I thought you hated class 1A" a orange haired girl asked.

"Uhm-" before Monoma could come up with something, I felt a strong hand grab my shoulder and a loud, angry voice.

"TRANSFER KID WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SITTING WITH THESE EXTRAS?!?!" You turned around to see Bakahoe yelling at you.

"I don't know. Why didn't anyone ask for me to sit with them?" You questioned.


"Huh? The angry Bakugou doing someone else? How strange...!" Monoma laughed.

"SHUT UP!" Bakahoe yelled 'he really needs to control his temper' you thought to yourself.

"JUST FOLLOW ME" Bakahoe grabbed your wrist and pulled you to follow him. He went so fast you almost dropped your food.

The two of you sat alone at a table far away from everyone else.

"You a loner or something?" You asked rudely.

"WHAT OF COURSE IM NOT" he yelled.


"Can you please stop yelling? Your not super loud but your just annoying." You asked, tired.

"Fine..." he spoke angered.

"You know. You don't seem much of a social person either." He said, trying to anger you.

"I don't want to make friends. I can already tell that every girl here is super girly and annoying, and the boys are either perverts or super loud" you explained why you didn't want to make friends with the people you had already stereotyped.

"Uhm—..." he didn't know what to say. He was surprised that you didn't want to make friends. Almost everyone did.

"Do you have any friends?" You asked, trying not to come of as rude.

But before he could answer, the bell rang, and it was time for the next class.

724 words. I realized I am getting legit no read xD. Okay bye.

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