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Jisung's fingers lingered on the photography of him, Felix and Minho. Minho laughed in the picture, his arms tightly wrapped around Jisung's waist. Jisung looked kind of uncomfortable but a slight smile was placed on his face. Jisung despited the picture. It made his insides dark and cold. Minho's bright and happy faced disgusted him and he wanted to rip the smile off of his face.

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. He was filled with hate for the older boy. It overflowed his body and darkened his surroundings. The darkness leaving little space to breath and no room for love. If it could the hate would swallow Jisung's soul and whole body like a black hole. But somehow a part of humanity was left in him. Unfortunately a very small part.

Jisung didn't know why the hate for Minho began. But the moment he saw those deep brown eyes a hatred started burning like a fire inside of him. Everything about him was just too annoyingly perfect, the way he smiled, laughed, walked, talked and even the way he run his fingers through his hair. Minho was just too annoying and Jisung couldn't stand it after one year knowing him. His eyebrows furrowed the moment he heard his name and his body tensed. Jisung just had to do something about it. So he decided that Minho had to die.


Hi I really like this book so ya'll better like it too. No I'm just kidding but anyway! I hope you'll enjoy it!
I'm gonna keep this book quiet simple, so short chapters. Also I'll update on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Have a nice day!

Published: 31 March 2020

do you want me (dead?) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now