The Attack!

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Undertaker was planning on surprising the Countess tonight. He was waiting in front of the phantomhive manor's . When he heard Frances scream. Undertaker rushes inside he knows the little lady. Frances was not one to be frightened easily and had an extreme heighten tolerance for pain. The moment he went through the doorway. He could smell the vermin. He instantly calls his scythe to his hand. When he barged into her room. There was the demon mumbling about how sweet and pure her soul was. That it was driving him mad and he wouldn't accept no for an answer. The beast so focused on the child. He did not sense him yet.

Frances stood up and roar get out of my room. In one swift motion undertaker's scythe spare it through and cut him down. Frances fell to her knees and stare up at the weapon as she loses consciousness. She was bleeding badly I will have to work fast. As Undertaker cleans the child's wounds he couldn't stop thinking about how he admired her courage. She stood up tall and told the demon off. Instead of cowering in fear like one would expect from someone so young and small.Now that things had come down. He also found it strange that he did sense anyone else in the mansion was the girl often left alone to her own devices.

How I think those nightmares are getting even worst ouch! Francis bit her lip to keep from shrieking in pain. She look down and saw her torso was covered in bandages. Wait no way was that truly real or am I still dreaming. Undertaker sat there for a moment watching the girl. She was too lost in panic to notice him now. Based on what the demon and the child had just said. The beast has stalked her for sometime now.

I am afraid that was no nightmare my dear Undertaker said. Francis practically jumps out of her skin from the loud and eerie high pitch voice of the reaper.Undertaker what are you doing here? Are you saying those monsters are real not just my imagination. Well to answer your query again yes it was all real all of it. This is real he poke her ribs. Which sends a wave of pain throughout her gut. If it was real then you save my life Undertaker thank you thank you! Francis tried to hug him to show her gratitude but failed as her wounds protested against it. As for why I came to surprise your mother with a little midnight snack.

Undertaker then pulls out a whole banana cheesecake from his robes. Frances normally would be shocked by this but given what she just saw tonight. Frances didn't question it. You know little phantomhive I bet a slice of this will put a smile to those lips he chuckles. The smell of the fruity confection made her injures stomach roar and she blushes. This was going to be a little surprise give for your mother. But she doesn't seem to be here. An I think you need It more now my little lady.

Yummie! One bite in and she was already smiling. He hates to see her young adorable face twisted in so much pain. Child why are you all alone tonight he asked softly. Well mother Tanaka and Vincent are on a mission for the crown. Our maid Daisy has her own sons to care for. So she can't be here all the time. It was fine at first. I mean people say I am so independent for my age. Hearing this just made him frown. Francis phantomhive was barely 6 years old. Independents at such an age would only get her in one of his special crafted coffins. That was the best case scenario.

She finish off her slice it is delicious undertaker. Mother wood have loved it. Those she probably would skulked me. Since it is the middle of the night. Good I am glade you think so he chuckles. An ya your right she likely be angry but with me. I have notes that she does not care for regular cakes. Yes your right I don't care for them ether they're to dry. Plus they're sort of boring because it's mainly just sweet bread. At when least compared to other sweets like pies cookies or this banana cheesecake!

Ahh he love the change of subject and how she seem came a live with it. Not the proper nobly lady. Not terrify little girl or sad and lonely child. But the strong and compassion soul he knew.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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