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Your POV

I was at the hospital helping my last  patient before i could head home. I wasn't officially a doctor yet, i was only in training. I'm 24 years old and live in a shared apartment with three other people who are also doctors in training. The day dragged on and wasn't busy. A few emergencies here and there but they were held under control.

"Alright Mrs Anderson, we're all done. Your son will be just fine, I'll prescribe some pain killers in case he experiences any small pains, though if the pain does increase, you can bring him back and we'll take another look." I spoke to the mother, her fifteen year old son had been dared by friends to climb a tree and he successfully did but on the way down his foot slipped and he fell onto the ground bending his arm the wrong way, breaking it.

She thanked me and i wrote down the medications she needed to get. She then thanked me again and left with her son who had been smiling at me and acting like his arm didn't hurt when in reality i could see that he had been crying, poor kid. After they left i looked at my watch and saw that my last shift was over. I sighed with relief and gathered my belongings.

I walked down the halls seeing all the patients, doctors and family members. I smiled as i walked toward the exit and saw a patient that had been here for three months leaving with her family. She was in a car accident which had her stuck in a hospital with machines and tubes everywhere in the room.

I excited the hospital and walked to my parked car and unlocked it. I got into the driver's seat and closed the door, i set my belongings onto the passenger seat then put the key into the ignition and turned it. I readjusted the rearview mirror and checked for any cars or pedestrians behind me. Once the way was clear i reversed and went home.

After i entered the apartment i placed my belongings in my room but kept my phone with me. I walked into the kitchen and placed my phone on the counter. I opened the bridge and grabbed the plate of leftover piece of cake i hid behind the milk and other condiments. I closed the fridge and set the plate on the counter next to my phone and got a cake fork in the utensil drawer.

I sat down on one of the chairs and pulled the plate closer. I picked up my phone and unlocked it. I scrolled through Instagram and ate the cake. I bit onto another piece and heard my notifications saying 'you have one new notification' I swallowed the piece and saw that an unknown number texted me.

-hey, where were you today?-

I was jut going to block the number, but decided to play along and see where the conversion goes before they figure out that they texted a random number.

-hi, i was at my drug dealers, he offered a discount on meth and i just had to get some-

-That's not funny, plus, I'm your dealer-

I almost chocked on the cake, was this person really a drug dealer? Before i could say anything else i got another text

-Okay, enough drug jokes, where were you? It got boring today.-

I sighed with relief, it was just a joke. I should probably stop playing around

-Hey, listen, I'm not whomever you may think i am.-

-seriously, stop it, no more games.-

-no games, I'm a 24 year old Doctor in training named (y/n)-

-oh...sorry, I'm Cole.-

-yeah, okay, I'm going to delete your number now-

-no! Don't, please, it's nice talking to someone who talks to me like I'm a normal person-

I saved his number

-i thinks that's cause i don't know who you are?-

-the less you know, the better-

-you are a drug dealer aren't you?-

-what? No! I gotta go, can we keep in touch?-

-sure, i have nothing better to do when I'm not at the hospital or studying-

-great! Bye!-


I locked my phone and washed the plate and fork, i then saw that it was late and went to my room, took a shower, got into my pajamas and plugged my charger into my phone, i then turned my alarm off since it was Saturday tomorrow and i didn't have a shift. I got into bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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