Day Two

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When Nico woke up on the Second day he wasn't alone, Will was leaning against a wall, he looked as though he had been there all night,  Percy was sitting in a chair against the far wall with Annabeth leaning against the back, (but what he didn't know is that Percy had been sitting at the edge of his bed but when he'd gone to the rest room, Will had moved his chair to the far wall, then nailed it there, Percy was a great guy and all but Will had an irrational desire to prevent Nico waking up and staring at Percy 'savior of the world, pretty eyes' Jackson.) Jason and Piper were on his other side, it appeared that Piper had fallen asleep there at least once given that her hair was a rat's nest, and in the corner next to the supplies for his lovely mud-healing stuff was Coach Hedge.

   "Were you watching me sleep?" Nico grumbled, (Gods he is so not a morning person) "Yeah man, we kinda had too" said Percy, looking worried "you started going all transparent on us last night, we didn't know what to do so we called Coach Hedge,  he covered you in that nasty mud medicine and we've all been waiting here since." Annabeth nodded "You just began to be solid again about an hour ago" Nico looked down at himself, he was covered in mud but he couldn't see through himself and he took that as a good sign. He then turned to Coach Hedge to thank him but the Satyr just waved him off and left because he thought he could hear Chuck crying (Not that Clarisse wouldn't have had that handled in two seconds.)

  Will had panicked, there was no other way to describe it, Nico had begun to fade, quite literally, at around midnight, he had tried everything he knew of before calling down Jason and Piper to see if they might know, they hadn't so he went and got Percy who came with Annabeth and neither of them knew. Coach Hedge had been his last hope for not losing his friend and thank the gods it had worked. After Coach worked his magic there had been nothing to do but wait so that's what they all did, Percy drummed out random beats against Annabeth's arm, Jason made little mini storms to entertain Piper which didn't work because she was still wrapped in the grief that she might lose another friend, and Will had paced until it began to make him sick, then he sat in the corner and stared at Nico sending prayers to both Hades and Apollo in a desperate attempt to get the fading to stop. Eventually it did and Will finally got some peace of mind and now that Nico was awake he felt much better about the entire situation.

    He couldn't explain why this boy being in danger scared him so much, every demigod in this camp was constantly in some kind of mortal peril, but he'd never lost his cool in the infirmary over it before and that confused him, what was so special about this son of Hades? Was it what he's been through? Maybe it was just the nature of Will's heart but he didn't think so, he wanted Nico safe at all times and he wanted to be the one to ensure it, which he knew was ridiculous because the Son of Hades was perfectly capable of protecting himself, but he still found himself wanting it.

       Nico slowly got up so he wouldn't make a total mess of the mud and stated that he was going to shower and that they should all go get some sleep, which Piper and Jason agreed too and a few minutes later Percy and Annabeth gave into their exhaustion as well and they all headed back to their cabins for a few more hours of sleep. Will worked his rounds while Nico showered and when he was done he collapsed into the chair Jason had vacated (quickly un-nailing Percy's chair so Nico wouldn't notice) and he layed down on the bed. Nico walked quietly and in the shadows back to his bed where he found Will sitting with his head buried in his arms, snoring slightly. Normally Nico would have woken him up and given him sarcastic directions to the Apollo cabin but gods Will looked so tired so he just climbed into bed and layed down to let him sleep.

  When Will woke back up it was around dinner time and he was in a much better mood, thouh he was surprised that when he woke up he was still laying on Nico's bed with Nico only a few inches away, also fast asleep 'wow' thought Will 'that shadow travel must really take a lot out of him' He would find himself slightly weird later but at the time watching Nico sleep seemed like a damn good idea so that's what he did, he looked so much more at peace when he slept and knowing now what Nico had told him Will was relieved that the beautiful demigod was finally getting some peace. They sat like that, Nico sleeping and Will watching him sleep, until the conch horn blew signalling dinner.

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