Chapter 6

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When Shadow arrived at Sonic's home, he just looked around, completely speechless. This mansion was fucking huge! And it was just for Sonic and his father, and all the servants and all too.
Sonic chuckled at Shadow's face.
"You never saw a place like this before?"
Shadow looked at Sonic, a bit embarrassed.
"No... Even if I don't remember a lot about my past because of S-Scourge..."
He looked down sadly. He don't wanted to cry in front of Sonic, even if all he went through was really making him feel like he was weak and powerless.
Sonic was a bit confused at this. He gently puts a hand on Shadow's shoulder and looked at him in concern.
"What do you mean? Scourge did something to you?"
Shadow sniffed with tears in his eyes. When he thought about this he always couldn't stop his emotions from getting out of control. But he nodded slowly to answer his question, the warm feeling of Sonic's touch was enough to relax him, even if it was briefly, he felt safe with him.
Sonic wanted to help Shadow, but he needed to know everything.
"Come with me to my office, it will be better to talk."
Shadow nodded slowly, wiped his tears gently and followed Sonic inside the mansion to the office.

Sonic sat down on his chair in front of his desk.
"So, you can talk to me now... What happened to you?.. What did Scourge have done to you?.."
He asked gently, trying to not sound too demanding. He don't want to force Shadow to talk to him, but he was curious about his past.
Shadow looked down sadly, thinking about how he will be able to say it, and trying to remember as much as he can. After some minutes, he sighed and spoke.
"I... I don't remember a lot about my past... I remember being in a little house... With my parents... I think... And... And then Scourge... He tortured me... Raped me... Used me for his own pleasure... And let me be raped and used by complet strangers just to have money!.."
He was hugging himself, trembling and sniffing. He was crying, completely broken.
Sonic was shocked. How could this jerk could do that to someone so... Pure!.. Innocent!.. Fragile!.. And sensitive!..
Sonic was angry.
'Scourge will pay... Nobody will hurt my precious love when I'm still alive!..'
He started to growl lowly.
Shadow looked up to see Sonic looking down, obviously in deep thought, and seemed frustrated at something.
Sonic looked up to see Shadow looking at him worried and a bit scared. He wanted to help him feel better, not scaring him more. He calmed down.
"I'm really sorry for everything that happened to you, Shadow... I'm sure you didn't deserved that..."
Shadow was shocked about what Sonic had said. He felt a warm feeling in his chest, and he liked it.
"It's for that I brought you, I wanted you out of this place. You deserve better."
Sonic smiled warmly at Shadow.
Shadow was flustered and a bit confused. He didn't think that he deserved better, but he was glad to be out of this place.
"Come with me now. I'll show you the place and I'll tell you what I'm waiting from you, alright?"
Shadow nodded and started to smile a little bit.
'He is so nice with me... I don't understand this feeling but he makes me feel better and safer...'

Hey everyone, first of all I'm really sorry for the late update. My family is bothering me again. I don't know what to do... I feel more and more alone... I hate my fucking life... But, anyway, at least I could write this chapter, and I'll try to update again soon.

Votes and Comments, please. :)

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