Chapter 12

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After the awkward encounter with Vilu last night German left my room without telling me what he was going to say. Why does everything have to be so confusing?

Suddenly I'm aware of Vilu giggling hysterically whilst waving her hands in my face.

"Angie! Come on we are going to be late." Sighing I follow Vilu downstairs and into the living room. Everyone's sat around the table eating breakfast. Vilu grabs my arm and practically drags me over.

"Slow down there Vilu, we've got time to eat." I say whilst giggling and Vilu nods and grins whilst we take our seats. Without even looking I can feel Jade death starring me. I know Jades awful but I still feel bad for her. Even though German and I haven't kissed or anything I still feel like.. well.... bad. I'm not trying to steal her boyfriend, sometimes things just happen.

"Are you girls coming home for lunch today?" German asks Vilu and I but I can't help noticing the longing in his voice as he looks at me.

I turn to Vilu and she grins and winks at me.

"I'm not but Angie is." She says and my cheeks flush instantly, I guess I'm coming back for lunch.

Before I can blush anymore Vilu giggles and grabs my arm.

"Come on Angie, let's go!"

"Okay." We jump up and run outside so fast German and Romallo only just have time to shout goodbye. The second we get outside Vilu bursts into a giggle fit.

"Vilu how could you do that!" We stop walking and Vilu turns to me, smiling the same smile as her father.

"Do what? Set you up with the person you love? Your welcome will do." Vilu says sarcastically.

"Look Vilu, I'm you Aunt and your dads..." Vilu doesn't even let me finish, she just grabs my arm and we start walking towards the studio.

"Angie seriously! There's nothing to stop you dating my dad!" I roll my eyes at her.

"Jade." I say like it's the most obvious thing ever. Vilu sighs heavily.

"Dad hates Jade, he's just a coward and doesn't know how to dump her. He loves you! Please Angie, just tell him how you feel."

Thankyou so much @lixaxy for improving my cover !! Thankyou so much for reading this book everyone! lately I've been getting a lot of requests for the sequel to unlikely friends( going to be called Unlikely sisters) and I wanted to tell everyone that I'm trying so hard to write it but I have real bad writers block, if anyone has any ideas please message me. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! please vote and comment xxx

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