The Stars Among Us- Corbyn

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Part 2
Gentle shaking pulls me from my slumber and when I open my eyes gently it's pitch black. YNBFF leans down and whispers in my ear "morning sleepyhead. Or should I say goodnight. You slept basically the entire drive home. You're staying at my house tonight. Just to let you know my brother has a few of his friends over so you're bunking with me." I heard her but I'm so exhausted I can barely respond.

My arms are heavy as I lift them in an attempt to rub
my eyes. I can feel YNBFF's impatience growing as I take ages to wake up enough to walk inside the house. Then muffled words are spoken, I think they said 'hey Pete, reckon you can help me get this slug inside. She's still half asleep and I think I'll be here all night if I wait for her to gain enough consciousness to walk." Then YNBFF laughs to her brother.

"I can't lift her, my shoulder is still pretty banged up," he simply states. I forgot about his injury, a few days ago he hurt it when he got tackled in footy. He's fine but not that strong and just needs to rest it. Peter's voice quietens down, as if he's no longer facing me. I don't want to look though, I'm surprised I'm still awake as it is, even if it is just semiconscious. "Hey Corbs! Good timing! Can you help YNBFF? Her friend YN is asleep here and she doesn't want to wake her. I would but you know, my shoulder."

The softest laughter fills my ears. It's a sweet and airy sound, absolutely beautiful. Angelic. "Sure sure mate. Stop making excuses." The voice that matched the amazing laugh is even better. I go to open my eyes to see the face that belongs to this delicate and intriguing voice, but then strong, sturdy arms wrap around me, scooping me up and pulling me close. My head now rests on a slightly firm and muscly chest and the arms under my back and legs feel warm and supportive. I swear this is the best feeling I've ever experienced. I'm comfortable and safe, and I don't want to open my eyes anymore. I just want to sleep in the arms of this mysterious stranger, so I cuddle into them and do just that.

* * *

As I'm drawn from my dream of the sweet voiced, strong armed stranger from last night, I notice I'm not in my room, but in YNBFF's room, and she's not here. The small black clock on the bedside table illuminates the numbers 8:29. We would've gotten home around midnight last night, not that I really remember. I know I passed out pretty early. I do remember those amazing arms that carried me inside. I don't recall the person's name, which is frustrating. I think I could recognise their voice instantly though. What surprises me most is that YNBFF isn't still asleep, she drove while I slept.

Quickly, I rub my eyes and stretch my arms before descending the extravagant staircase that begins right outside YNBFF's bedroom. I pass Peter's bedroom and the lounge room but both are empty. The kitchen is my next stop and there I am confronted with YNBFF, Pete and five really attractive guys. Was there a party last night?

YNBFF must notice my staring. "Morning sleepyhead. These are Pete's friends from school." Peter is 2 years ahead of us, he graduates this year. Then, YNBFF points to each boy as she names them. "This is Zach, he's our age, Daniel, Jonah, Jack and Corbyn." Corbyn. That name is quite unique but oddly familiar. Each of the guys stick a hand out to shake mine. Zach, I think it was, quickly pulls me in for a small hug as well. Then Corbyn softly kisses the top of my hand. I feel like I melted and by the way YNBFF is looking at me I probably have.

"Let's go to breakfast! I found a new cute little cafe slash coffee shop in the area!" She exclaims. YNBFF grabs my hand and literally drags me out the door as she runs. I turn around to the boys crowded in the kitchen and wave to each, my eyes lingering on Corbyn and his adorable smile until I'm out the door.

The coffee at this cafe was perfect! Just how I like it

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The coffee at this cafe was perfect! Just how I like it. I'm feeling very relaxed and happy right now, but I begin to wonder about what happened last night. Before I can bring it up, YNBFF starts bombarding me with questions.

"So, I saw you checking Corbyn out back there. Have you guys met before? Do you think he's cute? Would you date him? What about YNbf?"

"Hey hey hey slow down. I can't process all that so quickly!" I laugh. "No I've never met him but he seems familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it though. He is cute, definitely, I can't deny that. And I have a boyfriend so I think you can answer that one yourself." I think that's all she asked me.

"Were you awake last night?! Did you fake sleeping so he would carry you inside?" She seems shocked but also very amused. What is she talking about?

"What are you on about YNBFF?"

"Last night. When we got home, you were only semiconscious so Corbyn carried you inside." So that's why he seems so familiar...

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