Chapter 1

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The sun shining into my eyes,waking me up of my beautiful dreamland.I take a glance at my phone and i'm late again,I take my time to get ready and walk out the door,being late is not something new to me I hope that teachers wont bother me again.
Oh i didn't introduce myself, I'm Yuqi ,17 years old well there's nothing more I can say about myself my life is a boring hell filled with negativity and sadness.
I pull my hood over my head and decide to go the rooftop and just skip class, I'm already 30 minutes late. As I sit on a bench I saw the popular guy "Jung Jaehyun" making out with a random girl I mean eating her face,he used to be my crush but he changed a lot he went from the cute sweet boy to the mean bad boy.
I kept on looking at the sky until I heard footsteps behind me, it was Hyunjin my bestfriend, he's the best thing that happened to me."hello yuqi"he said with a soft voice,I responded with a quick hey,"is smthg wrong babygirl?".he always calls me with pet names ,its a thing for him I guess but this time it made me shiver, "hyunjin I'm not fine everything in my life is fucked ,my parents bully me 24/7,my brother treats me like his maid and my school grades are lower then felix's voice, I wanna leave this place I feel so suffocated"i was already crying I couldn't help myself and I hugged him , I felt him hesitating but ended up hugging back. "Look kitten i know that it's hard for you but at least try to handle it, you are strong and we will figure out what to do later",his voice was so calming and it made me feel safe. I nodded and pulled away from the hug,I stood up and just walked away, i wanted to leave so bad but i don't know where, i have no one. I was so into my thoughts that I bumped into the principal, he seemed pissed to see me skipping classes again. "Mikami Yuqi,my office now"he said with a stern voice, I'm in big shit.i entered his office and he slammed the door behind us,"Miss Yuqi your behavior is unacceptable, you fail almost all of your classes , you never get to classe in the right time and now you're skipping classes, that's great ,I'm sorry to tell u that but I'll have to call your parents". I wanted to just die , like my parents will ground me for the rest of my life .
*skip school*《sorry m a lazy person keke》
I was walking home with Hyunjin , I told him about everything that happened and I cried in his arms for about 1 hour , I didn't want to go home I knew that my father was waiting for me with a belt in his hand."Yuqi promise me if something goes wrong you'll call me"he said while cupping my cheeks,"dont worry I'll try" I said with a shaky voice. I waved at him and knocked at the front door of my house ,my brother opened the door with a huge smile on his face 'well that's weird' I thought . My mother and father were sitting on the couch gesturing for me to sit infront of them, "so Yuqi I wanted to tell you that you're quitting school and we're putting you off for adoption" my mom said with an evil smirk , "how can u do that to your own fucking daughter, I'm might not be the perfect person but I'm trying so hard to make you proud" I busted into tears ,my own family are abandoning me . "Well honey keep your efforts to yourself, I dont want them plus you were just a mistake I never wanted a daughter"my father enterpted my mom,"Enough ,yuqi go pack your stuff you're leaving next morning". I rushed to my room and slammed the door ,I cant believe what's happening right now ,I took my phone and called Hyunjin.
Yuqi:"Hyunjin ,im fucked ,my life is over"
Hyunjin:"calm down and tell me what's going on"
Yuqi:"my parents are making me quit school and they made other people adopt me".
Hyunjin:"are they fucking crazy , your parents needs to go to jail , this so inappropriate".
Hyunjin:"yes babygirl".
Yuqi:"what should we do now"?
Hyunjin:"Let's fuck off"
This sentence made me flinch yet I was so happy that he was ready to do it for me.
Yuqi:"Hyunjin..I dont think its possible, we have no other place to go and what about school , I dont want to be a runaway my whole life".
Hyunjin:"listen to me, even if u stay you can't even go to school and I honestly don't care about school ,fuck it and I dont need it plus i have somewhere far away to go".
I thought about what he said and I think it's our best solution.
Yuqi:"ok...I already packed my stuff,so when are we leaving"?
Hyunjin:"Now...I'm in front of your room's window".
I looked out of the window and there he was ,the wind playing with his black silky hair ,he looks so perfect.
Hyunjin:"I know im handsome ,but we should leave now".
I hang up and jumped out the window with my backpack, he held my hand and we ran as fast and as far ad we can. His hand in mine felt so right,i think im falling for him."let's rest on this bench , I can't run anymore"he said while panting , we sat down beside each other and kept on looking at the stars. My mind was blank , i felt so peaceful and happy, i finally did it after all of these years of hesitation. "Hyunjin.....I'm sorry for this, I didn't want you to get involved in my troubles" I said ,holding back my tears." Don't worry, my life was shit too,I finally have the time to search for my real parents"he mumbled."Then let's do it , starting from tomorrow but I dont think my parents will let this go easily" my parents were evil and they will try to bring me back and torture me more, they will do anything to find me. "I'll protect you even if it means dying, you mean a lot to me and I dont want them to take you away from me" he pulled me into the softest hug ,we stayed like that for a good 5 minutes,he pulled away and kissed my forehead. "We'll stick together until the end, I'll make sure you have the most happy life,Yuqi........i love you".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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