2.0; cut me some slack

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"Max, just focus it's not that difficult! You just refuse to listen to me." Mike groaned as Max rolled her eyes.
"Maybe I'd pay attention to you if you weren't such a know-it-all. You've got to cut me some slack. Listening to your voice for the last hour isn't my favorite thing in the world." Max started to go throw her book bag to get out something she desperately needed. Her pack of cigarettes.
"C'mon Max we've been over this. I really don't want you smoking in my room. If my mom smells that she'll kill me!"
"Holy shit, Wheeler. Chill out, your parents aren't even home. Jesus Christ i'll just go smoke this on the balcony." And with that Max walked outside to the balcony attached to Mike's room, leaving an extremely frustrated boy behind her.
•  •  •  •  •
Max skated up the sidewalk leading to the school the next day with her best friend Ryan. Max wasn't in the best mood because she was no where near ready for her test today. Normally, she really wouldn't care, but her mom threatened her that if she didn't pass this test with at least a C, she wouldn't be able to go to Lucas Sinclair's party on Friday night. So, even though it took all her strength to do so, she texted Mike. She needed him to review the material they went over with her again very fast before 1st period. Of course, Mike being the nerd he is immediately agreed. He told her to meet him at his locker.
Max dragged herself into the school building and found her way to Mike's locker. There he is, she thought to herself, he looks like such a dork.
"Wheeler!" she greeted him with a forced smile that he obviously knew was fake.
"Hey, Mayfield. I hope you realize that if you listened to me while I was helping you yesterday, you'd be ready for this test already." He had that "I told you so look" that she despised so much.
"Shut up. If it wasn't for my parents threatening me with not being able to go to Lucas' party if I didn't pass, I really could care less." Max put her bag down at her locker as her and Mike went over the study guide one last time.
"Alright, Mayfield. That's all of it," Mike said while handing her back her study guide, "I know for a fact, that even if you don't want to admit it, you can easily get an A on this test. You're a smart girl, and it sucks to have to sit here and watch you throw all of that away each day."
"Will you close your mouth for once, Wheeler? I came here for a test review not a famous Mike Wheeler lecture." Max huffed and walked away. Mike simply just smiled. Classic Max. He thought.
"Good luck!" he yelled after her.
•  •  •  •  •
i'm so sorry about how long it's been since i've last updated. i'm gonna try and update more!

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