17- cat chase

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[a/n: the picture of mel and fefe my heart im :,)]

once again i returned home in disappointment. there were times when i came home happy, came home with friends, came home stressed, even came home with a special boy. but never did i come home feeling overwhelming disappointed. every day was the same "yay im coming home to sleep" feeling.

i rolled over my couch, landing on the floor.

hey where are

sorry can we meet
later? im not in the

yeah it's fine, is
anything up?

no ill call you
later lmao

i threw my phone across the room and shoved my face into the decorative pillow, making sure i didn't cry this time.

"i don't wanna cry, this is nothing." i mumbled to myself as i grabbed another drink.

i turned on the tv, which was playing your lie in april and sobbed as the last few episodes revealed a sad ending. then i felt a warm rush flow through my body and got up to open the door to let some fresh air in.

collapsing back onto the couch i shoved chips into my mouth. the prolonged feeling of calmness ran through my head as my breaths softened from the crying, which i promised not to do but somehow to do because of the anime.

i heard small steps go past the door and peeked over the couch to see where it came from when i saw a small tail.

"mel!!" i exclaimed quickly putting on my flip flops and running out.

i followed the two kittens downstairs and out the door. luckily the streets were completely empty because it was late at night, an advantage considering my eyesight was blurry with the drinks

"kitties!! come back here!!" i said chasing after the leaping cats

i heard some footsteps behind me but i was too into the chase to pay attention.

adrenaline ran through my body as the alcohol finally hit me and making it easy to follow the cats street after street and encountering neighbors i was unfamiliar with. i started to find this chase as more of a game, laughing as if i was taking a calm run with dogs

i stopped, my hands finding themselves on my knees as i pants loudly, "ok ok you two can stop now" [a/n: you two can stop meow :D]

i catching sight of a figure behind me but diverting my attention back to
the cats who turned around and ran towards me, their heads nuzzling against my shoes with such affection. then in a split second they turned, sprinting as fast as they could

"not again!!" i exclaimed chasing after them for a second time

this time they turned corners, running through alleyways and places i never knew existed

after awhile we finally reached the city, bringing the two kitties to a stop due to the busy streets. i followed behind them as they looked around with curiosity, and once again they started to run.

"aw fuck!" i exclaimed this time

the cats continued the run straight on the sidewalk, leaving me breathless as i finally took a break watching them run around the corner near jyp's building.

"fefe!!" i let out, quickly calming myself after i saw the cats snuggling up against a familiar face. the man was kneeled down petting the cats heads as they brushed themselves against his knees, it was felix

he looked up at me surprised; my hair in a mess, my eyes watery, and my shirt wet from all the tears

"hey-" felix let out with a worried expression

"don't 'hey' me" i replied angrily as i bent down beside him to pick up the two kittens

as i got up he grabbed my chin looking deep into me eyes, "mel, please don't cry so much"

i pushed his arm away, his back hitting the floor with a small thud

"why!" i exclaimed, "why are you going this to me?!"

felix quickly got up, a second button unloosening from his white shirt. i bit my lip trying not to let anything out but with the thought of felix here at this moment alone i couldn't help but to lash out on him

i grabbed the collars of his shirt, the two kittens running around our feet as i pulled and pushed felix around "i swear i don't like hwang hyunjin!!" i exclaimed unconvincingly

"i don't like him i don't like him!!" i continuously repeated until i lost my breath, pounding my fist against his chest

"i really don't like him felix! i love you!! there's so much i wanna tell you but-" i choked on my breath, my heart beats so fast my own chest couldn't catch up

felix stared at the ground dumbfounded as i fell onto his chest, my hands still slapping the sides of his arms in distress

"i really don't like hwang hyunjin, i like you. i want you" i whispered in the midst of my sniffles

i heard a small creek come from behind the corner as i quickly turned around. what was the noise that was following me this entire time?

even though i was with felix i still felt unsafe, as if this whole time there was something there

i ran to catch up to the noise when i turned the corner and saw a man with a black hoodie walking away from us. his face turned slightly allowing me to catch a glimpse of who was there,

it was hwang hyunjin.  and he heard the whole thing.

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