Chapter 4

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"So it's a park in which to be amused by?" Pegasus asks, looking around.

Landon nodded. "Sure."

"Interesting." Orion says.

"Landon, we shouldn't be here. They're not used to things from earth. I mean, Corvus was petrified because of a house cat." Cynthia says.

"Just relax, Cyn." Landon said. "It'll be fun."

He leads the group to the ticket booth. "How many?"

"Six adults." Landon says.


"Here." Landon gives the man some money, and they're let through.

"Where did you get $48?" Cynthia asks.

"Dad's wallet." Landon says before reaching security.

"Everything metal in the basket." The guy says. Landon and Cynthia pass through no problem. Pegasus was next. "C'mon through, Miss."

She walks through with no problem, but immediately turns back to the others. Scorpius went through quickly, and Corvus went very gingerly.

"Whoa whoa whoa." The security man stops Orion. "You can't have a bow and arrow here."

Orion grabs his bow with a tight grip. "I can't leave this behind. What if Hydra-"

Pegasus gives him a warning look.

"Hydra? Kid, I don't know if you noticed, but World War Two is over."

Orion frowns. "I don't underst-"

"'s a toy bow and arrow." Landon says. "It won't cause any trouble, he won it at another amusement park."

The security man looks it over. "Looks pretty real to me."

"It's not. Just come through, Orion." Landon waves him over with his hand.

Orion begins to step forward, but is stopped by the security man. "Not before you put down that bow."

Orion carefully takes it off and sets it in the basket, as best as it could fit. Then he walks through the metal detector and immediately grabs his bow back.

"Have a nice day..." The security men frown at the six of them.

"He tried to disarm me." Orion says.

"Most public places don't allow weapons." Landon said.

"This reminds me of a question I was going to ask." Cynthia says. "Why do you have a bow and arrow? I thought Orion had a sword and shield."

"Oh..." Orion chuckles. "I'm not the best with a sword."

"An incident we don't talk about." Corvus said.

Landon frowns. "Anyway...go have fun. Let loose and have a blast." He runs off toward the Tilt-a-Whirl.

"What do you want to do first?" Cynthia asks.

"Where did Lupus go?" Pegasus asks.

"The Tilt-a-Whirl. I'm not sure that's the thing to start with." Cynthia gestures to the machine full of screaming people spinning round and round. "Maybe the Ferris Wheel?"

"Looks dangerous." Corvus said, looking up at the giant wheel.

"It's fine. All it does is turn nice and slow like that." Cynthia said.

"I-I don't know."

"C'mon, Corvus. We'll all go." Orion said, and leads them to the line. He begins pushing past people.

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