Chapter one

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Gale powered on, electric currents spiked throughout his body and endoskeleton reanimating. His eyes shuddered open and lit up, changing from a static grey to an inquisitive, deep navy blue. He felt alive, ready to sing, dance, do whatever he did every day. Every time. Sure it got a bit boring, but Gale enjoyed it nonetheless.
He spun his head to the right, expecting to catch a glimpse of the tall, joyful aqua bear either happily awake or fast asleep. But he didn't see her, it's like she had become a window to the right side of the stage. She must have already gone for her walk thought Gale, already turning his head to the left where he expected to see the pink and black ears, plus the magenta tuft of hair which the tiny Nova wore on her head, but the cat apparently went transparent too. On the same left side, there was a digital clock. 6.30 it read. Gale shook his head wildly, bewildered. How long had he been asleep for?

But he then remembered how the humans changed the settings in the clock from 12 hours to 24 hours to reduce the chance of Gale and his fellow robot-friends to get confused (honestly, Gale was getting more confused by the current setting of the clock. How is 20.00 not ten o'clock?)
But that meant that it was 6 in the morning; 6 AM. The NGN animatronics aren't allowed to move until 7. Something very strange is going on. What the?...what's going on  Gale thought while stepping off the platform. He had to go looking for his friends, maybe even sister figures; Nina and Nova call him "Big bro" sometimes. Gale turned on his heels towards the side with the clock and started padding with heavy but wary steps towards Bubblegum's office.

Creaking open the metal door, Gale noticed that the office lights were killed. He carefully slid an arm through the quarter-ajar door, and fumbling around and slapping the walls trying to find the light switch. Once he felt a plastic extension from the normally marble wall then slid his hand towards the middle where the toggle was waiting and flicked it up.

The room lit up, starting from a dim, soft glow and quickly building up to a strong, bright glow. Gale finished up opening the door and walked inside. There was no sign of Bubblegum. The chair was empty, no one was walking in the walls that bordered the office and the next rooms and there was absolute silence except for the buzzing noise that was produced by the lights. Gale took a few steps in, twisting his head around nonstop for any sign of the pink animatronic. Nothing.

Gale didn't see Bubblegum anywhere. Where could she, Nina and Nova have gone? Were they taken away for a few quick and easy repairs? That surely couldn't be the reason why his fellow animatronics aren't on the stage or in the office, respectively. They were all perfectly fine, nothing out of place, barely malfunctioning and most importantly, none had become unpopular amongst the children.
And yes, young children have sadly been hurt a few times, but those liabilities have already been taken care of. Also, none of these injuries has been caused by animatronics. Never!

But if they aren't up for repair and they definitely can't be moving around freely before 7, where could they be?
Gale was very worried as he approached the wooden desk- this is where the humans trust Bubblegum to keep certain files and blueprints safe and most importantly-discreet.

But as Gale rested his hands on the smooth wooden top, he got lost in in the bright circles of light swimming in the air in front of his eyes. The buzzing of the electric currents singing in his ears. The way his fingers seemed to be tapping themselves on the wood without his consent and pretty loudly, too.

Gale got lost in his thoughts. His partially man-made thoughts. Literally, man-made and mostly man-killed, thoughts. About the apparent grudge, Bubblegum had held against the humans, even if they're the reason she could think, and speak to her liking.

But also about how the humans had taken away Bubbles, Tarina and Tyler, as well as the young puppet who Gale swore were possessed, away (okay, he was a bit more excited about the deporting of the haunted puppet). How he missed them (except, you know). Maybe even his now missing friends were taken away now to.

But as well, reminiscing about how lucky he was. How thankful he was. Humans gave him the ability to think, to speak his mind, love, feel, sense; be like his creators. It was amazing. Gale could only but feel remorseful towards the older robots, now stuck in APAS since they aren't compatible with the remnant.

APAS. Gale shuddered as he thought of the inclosed and towering walls if the warehouse. The place where not only was Gale built, but was also contained there. For 10 years. Along with his friends. Animatronic parts and services.

The humans aren't doing much service to us, aren't they!  That's surely where they took all the others, as well as, probably Gale's newly missing friends. I have to go find them! Gale faithfully decided.

Gale abruptly snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed a few sheets of stock paper on the far left corner of the table. What were they? Gale stretched his arm closest to that side towards the papers. As his hand, which had caught onto the papers dragged them closer, Gale was able to detect the sketches and words on the paper better. The text seemed like it was written on a computer, but it also looked like they were lightly etched on with a led pencil.

Who uses grey text on docs? Gale questioned as he started to read the large, bold text at the top of the first page of the stack, presumably, the title-

       PART ONE- FARMING      

But before Gale could read the remainder of the text, he stirred. His eyelids flickered, currents whirring. His voice-box was faltering- "Uh" he groaned, shooting a then floating hand towards the edge of the table. W-w-what's.....Hap-

His thoughts stopped like he was brain dead. His body swayed uncontrollably. His hands dumbly let go of the edge of the desk, and Gale was left looking like a drunk, stumbling around on the balls of his feet, and then his heels, then on the balls of his foot again...

On and on until he came -almost gracefully- crashing down.

Before he lost complete consciousness, Gale heard two pairs of footsteps. Then voices-

"Welp ol' Galey. Couldn't find your friends anywhere. Guess we have to shut this place down"

The man paused like he was waiting for Gale to give him a sign to continue talking even if the animatronic was laying down. The wolf soon gave a twitch of his ear that he couldn't actually feel, and the man continued-

"Don't worry, pal! Everything'll be ay' okay. You're just going to be taken to a brand new home, okay bud?"

Gale remained still. The man chuckled. "Guess ya' wanna know what it's called, huh? It's called-"

But before Gale could hear whatever the man intended to say- the buzzing sound's pitch grew higher at record speed until all Gale could hear was a high pitched sort of squeal and then-nothing.

Gale had been powered off.....

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