Chapter 1

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I wouldn't say I wanted this job, but I had no other choice. I lived on the streets as a kid, and hung out with the wrong crowd. Life wasn't a walk in the park where I lived. You either got beat up or did the beating up if you play your cards right. Those who didn't ended up dead in a ditch. I met a man who pitied me when I was in middle school. I had walked into his turf accidentally. He could have killed me if he wanted to, but he needed an errand boy. So, i did his dirty work. I sent messages, bought supplies, and worse, did deals. Turns out he got all his money from being a drug lord. In order for him to not get caught he made me, and a couple of other kids, do the dealings. The only reason I said yes was to keep my brains in my head rather than scattered on the wall. Plus, it pays the bills. There are many "companies" in our area that do this kind of work, but we're one of the top places. There's another group who's just tying with us. I've had a run in with a few of them, but I've managed to stand my ground. Things were not "nice" so to speak, but at least I was alive. Then, I ended up here.

Guy: So, you got it?

Aden: Ya, it's $8,350

Guy: $8,350!?

Aden: Well for this amount, that's how much it has to be.

Guy: Alright, fine.

The hooded man pulls out a gun

Aden: Woah, hey! What are you doing?!

Cop: You're under arrest for illegally selling of-

Aden runs off. The cop chases him down till Aden is in a corner. The cop tackles him but Aden tries to resist. He ends up in the back of a cop car. He's in a holding cell alone, sitting with his hands cuffed behind his back. Aden looks up, hitting his head against the wall behind. He closes his eyes and opens them at the sound of the cell door opening. A guy, also cuffed, walks in and sits beside Aden.

Cop 1: Woah, you caught two roaches today?! Nice work!

Cop 2: Yeah, it was easy

The two cops walk away, still talking. Aden glares at them as they leave and scoffs. He looks down at the floor and sighs.

Guy: So, what you in for? Judging from what they said, I'm guessing it's the same as you. Dealing?

Aden: Yep.

Aden keeps looking down. The other tries to speak but Aden cuts him off.

Aden: Look, I get you're trying to make nice and all since we're stuck in here, but I don't associate myself with lower class dealers. I happen to work for Mr. Almada, heard of him? He's the top dealer around here. So it's best you keep your mouth shut and leave me alone.

The stranger looks confused but just looks forward.

Ryan: My names Ryan

Aden: I didn't ask

Ryan: Thought I was doing a usually job today, didn't think I'd end up here.

Aden: could you shut it!?

It goes silent for a while. Aden keeps his head down. He peaks up his head to see the guy sitting next to him. He's looking forward again. For some reason, he has a slight smirk on his face. "Has this guy been here before?" he thinks. Looking closely, the guy's got a cute face and is quite fit. Aden puts his head down before Ryan can notice. His face is getting warm.

Aden: name's Aden

Ryan: Cute name for a cute face

Aden doesn't look up. He's trying not to lose his composer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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