dekus quirks and more story

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dekus quirks are all for one a super charged version of musculars quirk and god level healing (i know he is a bit op but i love op deku au but theres no op villain deku anyway on with the story)

deku fine we will join your sh**Y school 

all might great cant wait for you to come 

the next day

izawa today we will be getting some transfer students 

class 1A who are they 

izawa  villains

class 1a what the hell why would anyone let villains into the hero course

izawa *shrugges shoulders* here they are 

bakugo dddddeku wwhy are yyou here

deku shut the f**k up kacchan jeasus crist youre loud 

izawa what are youre quirks 

deku how about we fight and find out 

dabi is this a good idea they are heros 

toga stabby stabby time 

izawa all right so bakugo vs deku go

deku activates muscle quirk and jumps back 10000 feet and flicks with his pinkey finger  and every thing gets destoyed they where at the end of the robot battle place (the battle places in this one are 10 times bigger) and instanty everything gets hit so hard all the battle centers are destroyed (and rhere made out of the strongest metal ever oof) 

bakugo holy fu****g sh*t lucky i got out of the way 

izawa and class 1A hhhhow the hell did you do that 

deku that was'nt even 1 persent of my power 

izawa i think  we should all go back to the dormitories 

class 1A sneekes into deku room to see how he trains to see him sleeping just in pants his (this isnt realistic but what the hell) 500 inches long and 20 inches thick thing(his muskle quirk makes it bigger everytime he uses it izawas quirk cant erase its bignes like he can other quirk things it increses by 20 inches everytime it started off al 40 inches so it was big to begin with)  all the boys start crying its no joke so big its  filled up most of the room ( deku has a quirk called portal witch is how he walks around all the girls start blushing and some try to touch but as soon as they do  deku wakes up and uses portal and hides 

the next day deku is very angry beacuse people invaded his privacy and is very angry

i have no idea what the hell is going on 

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